Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

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There are a number of vitamin D deficiency symptoms that can indicate a low vitamin D level in the blood and body. It is important to take note of these symptoms of vitamin D deficiency because this is a growing health issue. In fact, a recent survey in the United States found that close to 8 million children or about nine percent of the children across the country are vitamin D deficient. In addition, another 51 million or about 61 percent are not necessarily deficient but are not at the levels that they should be for vitamin D and are on the verge of being vitamin D deficient.

Rickets or Osteomalacia

One of the main or classic vitamin D deficiency symptoms is rickets in children. Rickets is a health condition characterized by the softening of the bones and bone brittleness which can lead to fractures or deformity in the bone structure, defective bone growth, and stunted growth. For adults, this type of condition is not called rickets but rather Osteomalacia which is a milder form of rickets. Adults generally experience body pains in the bones, muscle weakness and muscle aches, and some bone softening, fragility or Osteoporosis with a lack of vitamin D. When bone related issues such as constant pain and frequent fractures are being experienced by an individual, it may well be related to low vitamin D levels.

Muscle Weakness and Frequent Falls

Because a lack of vitamin D can lead to muscle weakness, an individual that is deficient in vitamin D may experience frequent falls. This is especially a problem in older adults.

Weakened Immune System

A decrease in a person's immunity can be a symptom of a low vitamin D level in the body as well because vitamin D plays a key role in the regulation of the immunity system of the body. However, many other health conditions can also be responsible for a lowered immunity and other health issues should not be ruled out. Proper testing is required to validate whether this is one of the vitamin deficiency symptoms.

Other Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include possible links to certain types of cancer, hypertension or high blood pressure, secondary hyperparathyroidism, diabetes, cognitive problems in the elderly, depression, trouble sleeping or insomnia, nervousness, diarrhea, and a variety of autoimmune health conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Severe asthma in children can also be related to a lack of vitamin D as well as a chronic lack of energy and fatigue in adults or children. Finally, dental decay, the development of many cavities, and weak or brittle teeth in general may be a vitamin D deficiency symptom.

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vitamin d benefits | vitamin d deficiency | causes of deficiency | foods | supplements | dosage | side effects

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