Lip Treatments

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Lip treatments are an important aspect in face skin care because the lips are a very noticeable facial feature that among other things convey sensuality and attractiveness.

lip treatments for healthy lips

Lip treatments are an important aspect in face skin care because they are a very noticeable facial feature that among other things convey sensuality and attractiveness. This sensuality is due to their look, sensitivity, and feel when the lips are in a good healthy condition. Lips tend to be the focal point of the face during social interactions.

In technical terms, the lips are the transition state between facial skin that can be considered dry and moist skin that resides inside the mouth. Because of this, the lips have certain properties that differ from the skin on the rest of the body. It is important to note these differences in order to pursue effective lip treatments.

Properties of Lips

  • lips contain no sebaceous (oil) glands
  • lips contain no sweat glands
  • the skin on the lips does not contain hair
  • lips are composed of very thin skin layers (3 to 5)
  • lips contain no skin pigment and therefore blood vessels are able to show through the thin skin and the lips appear red
  • people with darker skin have some pigment and therefore the red lip colour is less prominent
  • lips have many nerve endings making them sensitive to touch, warmth, and cold
  • lips are very elastic and pliable because they do not have any direct bony attachments
  • lips aid in the eating function by holding food and drink in the mouth
  • lips help keep unwanted objects out of the mouth
  • lips visibly express an individuals emotions and play a key role in facial expressions

Common Lip Skin Care Problems and Lip Treatments


Canker sores are an annoying and painful skin problem of the lips and mouth for many people.


A common lip related problem that can occur in about 20 to 40 percent of the adult population is the appearance of cold sores or fever blisters. This cold sore lip treatment link provides information on how to deal with cold sores.


The lips are one of the most exposed skin areas and therefore very vulnerable to dry skin related problems. Effective lip treatments for dry or chapped lips are therefore very important to have on hand.

Visit the homemade lip gloss or lip balm page for recipes to treat dry lips and to make your own lip gloss and lip balm.


The skin on the lips is very thin and does not produce much melanin, a natural skin pigment that helps to filter out damaging UV rays from the sun. Therefore, because of these two factors, the lips are vulnerable to sun damage. The lips do not tan. Instead lips will burn repeatedly when exposed to the sun. This is unlike skin on other parts of the body, which will not burn once sufficient melanin has been produced to protect the skin from the sun. Children and teens are particularly vulnerable to burning of the lips caused by sun overexposure.

Other types of damage to the lips are possible as a result of sun exposure. For example, the sun can damage collagen, which is the protein responsible for giving lips their fullness and resilience. Collagen also stops wrinkles from developing on and around the lips. Too much sun exposure will lead to premature aging of the lips. Skin cancer is always a concern with sun exposure and the lips are no different than skin on other parts of the body in this respect. Finally, a breakout of cold sores may be triggered by too much sun exposure.

Effective treatments for sun-damaged lips involve keeping the lips moisturized. However, it is best to avoid the problem in the first place. Lip treatments for sun damage involve prevention by using a lip balm when out in the sun. This is necessary on sunny or cloudy (on cloudy days protection from UV is necessary since clouds do not filter UVB rays) summer days or when outdoors in the winter (snow reflects 80% of the suns rays). Lip balms should have a SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15, but the higher the better. Protection should be for UVA and UVB rays. Application of the balm should be at least half an hour before going outside and should be reapplied regularly. When using lip balms as lip treatments for sun damage, avoid the use of products with PABA. This product can cause photo-allergies to develop resulting in the lips burning more easily.


In some ways the aging of the skin on the lips is similar to skin aging on other parts of the body. Specifically for lips, aging results in a thinning of the lips. Lips also loose their smoothness and become less plump due to collagen damage and the loss of subcutaneous fat within the lips. Fine lines and deeper wrinkles become more evident on and around the lips. In addition, some of the bright redness is reduced. Scaling occurs more often and precancerous and cancerous lesions may become evident.

As lips get older, effective lip treatments emphasize moisturization and conditioning. Lip treatments such as revitalizer products can help reverse the signs of skin aging. These product types can contain mild concentrations of alpha-hydroxy-acid for exfoliation purposes, vitamin A, vitamin E, sun block protection, and various moisturizers.


Some people are willing to undergo invasive lip treatments to reverse the signs of aging. For these individuals, lip augmentation may be an option.


Cosmetic Dermatitis is an unpredictable condition resulting in an itchy, red reaction to a cosmetic applied to the lips. This is caused by skin irritating chemicals such as dyes in the product.


This condition is caused by the reaction between sunlight and a cosmetic product leading to lip irritation characterized by redness, burning pain, and swelling.


Angular Cheilitis is a fairly common skin problem that affects the lip area of the face. It is found at the corner of the mouth at the lip and facial skin junction.

Lip Care

Lip care is often ignored compared to the skin on other parts of the face. However, lips do need attention if they are to remain healthy looking.

In order to maintain lips that are sexy and healthy looking, quality lip products need to be used. Without such products the sensitive skin on the lips will suffer due to the harsh environment that we live in.

Check out the lip skin care products below and see how healthy and attractive your lips can be.

Caudalie Lip Conditioner

Antioxidant rich Grape Seed Extract and Shea Butter will condition your lips and help to prevent premature aging. This is the best selling lip balm in the French Alps!

Kinerase Lip Treatment

Specifically formulated to visibly smooth and plump your lips and the area surrounding your lips while reducing the appearance of fine lines. This soothing, non-glossy cream moisturizes and makes lips look more full when used regularly.

Juice Beauty Lip Plumper

Achieve your puckering potential with lip plumping amino acids, lip refining cane sugar, certified organic citrus juice and nourishing essential fatty acids for sumptuously soft, plump lips.

Murad Energizing Pomegranate Lip Therapy SPF 15 - NEW!

Revitalize and protect dry, dehydrated lips by improving texture to restore suppleness and by infusing antioxidants to fight free radicals.

Too Faced Lip Injection Lip Gloss

Fantasizing about fuller, plumper lips? Dream no more - just get injected!

Nuxe Honey Lip Balm

This rich, creamy balm with its delicious taste of grapefruit and honey has powerful nourishing and soothing properties.

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