Rosacea Skin Care

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What is the rosacea skin condition?

The rosacea skin care problem is concentrated on the facial skin area. This skin care problem has various symptoms that can help diagnose whether you have the condition or not. It is characterized by the inflammation or swelling of the skin and targets the nose, cheeks, and forehead regions. Other rosacea symptoms include facial flushing creating a red or rosy skin appearance, congestion, nodular swelling of skin tissues especially of the nose leading to a bulbous and bumpy nose, and the appearance of small blood vessels in the skin. The rosacea skin care symptoms are discussed in more detail below.

There are various rosacea symptoms that may be evident in the skin of individuals that suffer from rosacea. These symptoms flare up and often subside, but then return. The main rosacea skin symptoms are flushing, persistent redness, the presence of spots or papules, visible blood vessels, and thickened skin.

Facial Flushing

One of the first and most common symptoms of rosacea is frequent and easy facial flushing of the skin on the face and in particular the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose areas. This symptom, characterized by hot and red skin, can last up to five minutes. Depending on the degree of flushing, the skin color can range from very bright red to light pink. The skin flushing may also spread down from the face and onto the neck and upper chest region. Flushing may develop into a persistent redness of the face that lasts for much longer than five minutes and sometimes does not go away at all. This symptom has been best described as a sunburn-like appearance of the skin. Skin sensitivity to topical products is also an early symptom of rosacea.

Appearance of Spots on the Skin

Another possible symptom of rosacea is the appearance of spots similar to acne, but without the presence of blackheads commonly associated with acne. Papules or in other words small round red bumps appear and pus-filled bumps or pustules may also be present.

Broken Blood Vessels

It is not unusual for rosacea sufferers to experience inflammation of small blood vessels in the facial skin leading to a blotchy skin appearance. Also small broken blood vessels appear as tiny spider web like red lines on the cheeks and are quite noticeable. This symptom of rosacea appears as the skin condition progresses past the initial facial flushing stage.

Thickening of Skin

If rosacea progresses and gets more serious, a common symptom that is evident is thickened skin and the formation of excess tissue. This often is focused on the nose area leading to a bulbous nose.

Other Rosacea Skin Care Symptoms

Other symptoms can include stinging or burning feeling on the face, skin that is abnormally rough or dry, raised red patches of skin (plaques), and facial swelling. The eyes can be affected as well. The eyes can be bloodshot, dry, have crusted mucus, have a constant gritty sensation, swelling of the eyelids may occur as well as general eye irritation symptoms.

More Rosacea Information

This rosacea skin care condition is chronic and is often also known as acne rosacea because pimples or acne type breakouts may also be present. Not all rosacea symtpoms are present all the time or in all individuals. Which rosacea symptoms are presents depends on the type of rosacea that the individual is experiencing.

The causes are difficult to determine precisely. Nevertheless, the link below discusses the possible causes of rosacea.

An interesting fact is that certain foods can trigger a rosacea skin problem or certain foods can aggravate an existing rosacea problem. The foods to eat for rosacea page discusses which foods to avoid if you have this skin problem and which foods you can eat that will not aggravate it. Certain foods may actually help with rosacea and these are discussed as well.

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