Viral Infection Rash or Food Allergy Skin Rash

by Oriette Nayel

My toddler suddenly developed many small pinkish red spots on her thighs in the evening after eating two oat biscuits and a very small piece of a banana nut muffin made with corn meal (maize flour), eggs, and cinnamon. The next morning, the red spots on her skin were about the same size and quantity. Then, my toddler had two more pieces of the same banana nut muffin. After an hour, my toddler developed mild swollen skin (on cheeks, hands, and feet) with the rashes getting bigger and forming bumpy red patches. The patches were all over her arms and joints, with a few on her cheek. There were scarcely any sign of the rash on her stomach and back - just the arms and legs and a few on her cheek.

I went to the emergency room in the hospital. A pediatrician diagnosed her as having allergy to some of the cake or biscuit ingredients and gave her two injections: Avil and Decadron. Then the doctor prescribed Calamine lotion and the antihistamine Zyrtec to help with the rash symptoms. In the evening the raised skin patches got flat but a bit wider.

I then went to my toddler's pediatrician and he said this could be a viral infection since the rash is not itchy. He suspected a rare infection and mentioned a name for the infection that I cannot remember. He recommended Zyrtec in a 5 ml dose once a day and soothing cream called Primo Plus. The next day the patches were replaced by small pinkish red spots on the skin like they first started. So I think the skin rash is healing. I still need to know what it was. Is it a food allergy to nuts, corn meal, or oats, or a viral infection?

Please note that my toddler had no fever and no sore throat. Neither was the rash itchy. Any help is appreciated.

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