Unknown Red Itchy Skin Bumps Rash

by Anonymous

I have recently begun to notice a type of skin rash problem spreading all over the skin on my body. The bumps of the skin rash are red in color and vary in size quite a bit. The sizes of the red bumps vary between the pin head of needle to a size similar to the eraser at the end of a pencil. I am at a complete loss as to what this skin rash is and what could have caused it to appear in the first place.

After a while, I first thought the rash on my body was a scabies skin condition, but the doctors that I visited said that it did not look like a mite rash and therefore, the scabies theory was ruled out. I then thought it could be related to the new laundry detergent that we have been using. However, after wearing newly laundered clothes that were washed in the old previous detergent, I still have found the rash not getting any better and continuing to spreading. I now do not believe that is related to the new detergent but it was worth a try in order to try and diagnose my skin rash.

Another symptom is that this red bumps skin rash is extremely itchy. I am very miserable because of this and the fact that I seem to not be able to figure out what the rash is and how to properly treat it. On closer inspection, I think the skin bumps from the rash resemble hives, but I have also found a scale like patch on my skin as well. I am not sure if this patch of skin is related to the main rash or just a coincidence. The bumps are not fluid filled but turn white (like dry skin) on the top when I scratch them.

I am so frustrated and would appreciate any comments and opinions on my skin rash problem.

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Jul 14, 2013
You may have psoriasis!!!!
by: Anonymous

My dad has psoriasis and your symptoms sound a lot like his. You may want to go to a dermatologist and see if that's what it could be!

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