Undiagnosed Dermographia

by James

I have had this dermatographism skin problem for a while now and have yet to go see a dermatologist about it. I get the skin hives on my lower back, legs, top of hands, upper arms, shoulder blades, stomach, and butt. I found that if something sharp and rough, like the edge of a wooden desk, pushed hard against my skin, I would itch uncontrollably just in that one spot, the spot it pushed down on and it looks like scars in the affected skin area. Lately what has been happening is that instead of just the single lines all over a part, I would get clumps of it in one tiny spot which would eventually go to a much larger area, mostly on my ankles for that. I get them mostly when I'm about to go to sleep so I think that it may be a rough blanket.

I'm pretty sure that it is dermographia though. I read that some causes were: heat, cold, skin exposure to sunlight, and emotional stress. If that's true with the sunlight does that mean that I can't do outside sports since I will be out there in shorts and a shirt?

I found that certain lotions helped a few minutes after I rubbed it in but comes back after a little while. Even now, as I'm writing this, I'm itching. This thing keeps me up all night every night. Any suggestions of what I should do? My outfit usually is skinny jeans and a plaid shirt but I've worn those for years and it was only until I moved to the other side of the country that I started getting it so it's not that.

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Sep 18, 2010
Dermographia Urticaria
by: Anonymous

I suffer from exactly the same dermographia symptoms, but only during the winter and cold weather months. During the summer when my skin is exposed to sunlight and gets a bit of colour and tan, it seems to be none existent. Come the fall months of September and October, the time when the weather begins to get colder and drier and my tan is wearing away, the dermatographism skin hives disease returns! Has anyone else experienced the same pattern?

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