Temporary Bug Bite Reaction on Arm

by Zim

This summer, I had been outside for no longer than five minutes when I realized that I had a bug or insect bite of some form on my wrist. I did not think much about it at the time due to the season and how common mosquitos bites are. However, after approximately two minutes passed by I realized that my arm was surprisingly itchy opposed to the bite on my wrist. There was a pink blotchy skin rash going up the whole length of my arm. In a very short amount of time, I watched closely as the rash made its way up past my elbow, then the color became more red and the rash became far more itchy. To treat it, I put Calamine lotion on in an attempt to relieve the itching, but I then unfortunately developed a burning sensation. Because of this, I then immediately rinsed the Calamine lotion off of my itchy arm and then tried another treatment. I applied hydrocortisone cream, which actually did indeed relieve the itching. After about twenty minutes the itching had disappeared and along with it the rash and bug bite.

I am really baffled as to what insect had bitten me to create that sort of bug bite reaction. I have never experienced anything of that nature before. Has anyone experienced a similar type of skin reaction to an insect bite? Does anyone know what type of insect would cause a rash on the arm that would spread so quickly and be so itch?

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Nov 22, 2017
Itchy Raised Rash Caused by Ticks
by: Susan (Wantagh, NY USA)

I was in Virginia in the woods and went home that night and took a hot shower and washed my hair. I was on the look out for ticks but found none. I put my dirty clothes in the suitcase. The next day there was nothing still and I kept looking for ticks and saw nothing for the next two days. I then came home and took a pair of clean pants from the suitcase and wore them. I took a shower and did not see anything. The next morning I found 25 ticks on me and went to the doctor who put me on Doxycylean.

Five days later, I broke out in a raised red rash that first looked almost like a red mosquito bite, but then looked almost like a little blister (but nothing really in it if the blister was broken). The rash is on my feet, ankles, legs, and back so far and is very itchy.

Chiggers are supposed to show up three to six hours after being bit. My brother was with me who never saw ticks and did not have any rash until five days after being in woods. I cannot figure out what it is and the doctor is not sure either. I live in New York and was visiting in Virgina.

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