Tattoo Removal Methods

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As an alternative to laser tattoo removal, dermabrasion may be used. The area to be treated is frozen and then the skin where the tattoo is located is essentially sanded with a rotary abrasive brush. This causes layers of skin to peel away and eventually the tattoo is removed as the sanding goes deeper into the skin. Bleeding and scarring is likely to occur with this procedure. For more information on this removal technique, please visit this link.

Salabrasion for Removing Tattoos

A local anesthetic is used to numb the area to be treated. Then salt is applied to the tattoo and a small amount of water is added. The area is then abraded usually with a tool similar to what is used in the dermabrasion procedure or a salt sanding block. This method is centuries old and in the past, the abrading apparatus was as simple as a wooden block wrapped in gauze.

Saline Injections to Eliminate Tattoos

This procedure involves injecting or “tattooing” the tattooed area with lidocaine (a common local anesthetic) and saline (a solution of sodium chloride in sterile water), which breaks up the tattoo. This process does not remove the tattoo, but instead blurs it significantly. Sometimes this removal technique is suggested before the application of a new tattoo in the same area.

Excision Removal Technique

Unlike laser removal, the excision technique requires cutting. The tattoo is removed using a scalpel and the area stitched closed. The procedure is generally performed under local anesthetic and is suitable for smaller tattoos. If larger tattoos are removed then a skin graft may be required. Such a procedure would be performed under general anesthetic. Alternatively, larger tattoos can be removed with the cutting technique in stages. A scar will be present were the skin was sutured after the removal or where the skin was taken from and placed if a skin graft procedure was performed.

Tattoo Removal Creams

There are certain creams sold commercially that claim to be effective in fading tattoos. Examples of some of these products are TatBGone and Tattoo-OFF. The manufacturers of these products claim they are very effective for removing tattoos. Throughout the internet you find claims ranging from, these products are very effective to these products are useless. If you are searching for an alternative and less expensive option compared to laser tattoo removal or other more painful removal treatments, then these creams may be worth a try. However, keep in mind that the results are likely to be quite variable.

Cover Up Method

This method is used when the individual does not want the old tattoo, but would not mind a new tattoo in its place. Instead of removing the tattoo completely with a laser removal procedure or some other tattoo removal method, a new tattoo is simply drawn over the old one. Skilled artists can make these adjustments with excellent results. However, there are limits due to the colour and intensity of the colour of the old tattoo. This is where the creativity of the tattoo artist comes into play. Alternatively, laser removal can be used to fade the tattoo slightly, before attempting to draw a new tattoo on the same area.

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for tattoo removal procedures. If you are a keloid healer then very noticeable scars will be created post-treatment. In addition, if you skin is vulnerable to pigmentation, type problems then laser tattoo removal or other treatments may not be advisable.

Looking for additional tattoo information on a number of tattoo related topics? The TATTOO SKIN CARE ebook available from has all the information you need.

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