Staph Infection and Itchy Skin Bumps

by Rosemary
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Finally coming back on with maybe a solution to some peoples problems. After a year and a half and tons of pills, ointments, and lotion, the itching has subsided tremendously. Most of the raised bumps are gone. I did go to the allergist and they found nothing. I continue to go to the Dermatologist and finally got a biospy and they found I have had a staph infection this entire time. I still take the antihistamine Hydroxyzine once a day 3 pills 25mg to help with the itching. I am treating the raised bumps with Mupirocin. At night I was prescribed Cordran Tape to put on the areas and it has reduced the bumps to almost like they were never there. Now the skin is still marked up from all the scratching but its only temporary until the pigment goes back to its natural color. I hope this helps someone out to give you some relief.

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Sep 19, 2017
Body Itch and Bumps
by: Peg

I have been dealing with body itch and raised bumps for the last six and a half months. I have been on three rounds of prednisone and seen two different dermatologist and had biopsies. I also met with the endocrinologist, the allergist for skin testing, and the primary care doctor. I have hypothyroidism as well. The primary care doctor took me off of Singulair and Atorvastatin thinking it may have been a drug reaction. I did not believe that was the cause as I have been on both products for years.

I am really at the end of my rope with this relentless itch. I do not get any sleep at night. I am awake every two hours to put steroid cream on or Sarna. The cream will help for about two hours at best. I have a very high eosinophil rate according to my blood work. I believe this is a systemic problem from within my body. I researched staph skin infections and the correlation with body itch and plan to ask the doctor tomorrow. I will ask her for an antibiotic prescription in the event that it is a staph infection.

I have never had an issue like this and would not wish this on anyone. It has been a miserable experience and I need to uncover what is causing this itch.

Nov 23, 2010
I hope you can help!
by: Anonymous

Hey Rosemary, were you told you had eczema? I have had the worse rash all over my back, forearms and legs for the last 6 months to the point of bleeding, no sleep, etc. I have been on all the drugs you can think of. What were some of the other signs you had that might help me? Thanks

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