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Jul 25, 2015
Hive Like Bumps on Legs, Arms, and Face
by: Judie

For the past two weeks I've been with bumps on my legs, arms, back, and face. It feels like I have the bumps in my throat and they come and go. They look like hives and no doctor really knows what it is. I've been taking steroids and other medicines and nothing helps. The only thing that helps is when I bathe for two hours in extremely hot water but sometimes my heart races so much it hurts. I get the bumps on my head which feel like scabs and after an hour or so they go away. Am I dying? I'm so scared.

Aug 03, 2014
Zyrtec for Bumps on Arms
by: Anonymous

My daughter started getting these itchy bumps that looked like bug bites but ended up having over 35 on her arm and about 20 on her upper back and a few on her lower back. A few days later I started getting the itchy bumps on my arm also so I thought maybe she had chicken pox and I was starting to get shingles. The diagnosis from our doctor was an allergic reaction to something which is odd since we both had it! The doctor told her to take Zyrtec and use topical creams and the day after she started taking the Zyrtec the itching stopped and the bumps seem to be healing up. As for me, mine are still multiplying and very itchy. I am on an antibiotic and not sure if I can take the Zyrtec but I am going to find out today.

Jul 11, 2011
Small Red Bumps on Arms
by: The Same

I am also in the same dilemma, trying to find a diagnosis for what seems to be like an allergy on my left arm. It starts with dime size red patches, then the skin patches itch really bad. I also started seeing them above my two knees. I cannot figure out why but I have noticed that the itch and redness intensifies after being in the hot and going into a cold room.

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