Surgical Scars Non Itchy Rash

by Andrea

I had gall bladder surgery over a year ago. About 6 months after the surgery I started getting a local rash around each one of the small scars on my abdomen (except the one in my bellybutton which was healing better than the others), and also on my wrist where the IV was for the operation.

The rash does not itch around those scars. However, for the first time since living in Africa (very hot most of the time), I have started getting a similar rash on my breasts and belly from time to time. It seems to happen when I am hot, and it is sometimes raised a little, but doesn't itch.

I asked a medical intern who happened to be staying in my house about it and she said it is probably just that my skin is sensitive.

Why would my skin be sensitive in only those places? Could something have happened (allergy, etc.) during the operation? It was done here in Africa, by the way. Am I just getting older? I just turned 40 this year.

I really want a solution as it seems to be getting worse and I have another year here in the heat. Anyone?

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Feb 11, 2012
Itchy Rash on Gallblader Surgery Scar?
by: Anonymous

I have a rash where my gallblader surgery scar is located - right below the left breast. It is raised and itchy. Does anybody know what can cause this? I had breast cancer on that same breast 16 years ago. Could it be related?

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Reccuring Hive Type Skin Rash

by Darrel
(Bakersfield Ca.)

I have suffered from a severe rash that covers spots as large as a saucer and larger over many parts of my upper body. I have been to 2 dermatologists and 2 allergist and have been treated with steroid creams of numerous types. The only thing that temporarily clears the rash is oral prescription prednisone. The rash usually returns after a few days to a couple of weeks after the treatment finishes.

I've had a few skin test and I have already tried to determine if the rash was caused by products such as laundry soaps, etc. After about 6 years there is still no permanent relief. The current treatment the dermatologist has prescribed is something called light treatments. I've had only 2 so far but they seem to be basically like a tanning bed. It's been a frustrating struggle and the light treatments have not caused the rash to clear. It has become almost impossible to lead a normal life. It's my hope that no one else ever has to suffer as I have.

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Mononucleosis Skin Rash

by Anonymous

I have been on amoxicillin/clavulanate (augmentin) for 5 days and then yesterday I thought I got poison ivy doing yardwork. Today when I woke up my groin area was covered in a rash and I thought it was from chafing while going on a long bike ride yesterday. I stopped the medicine but wonder about the rash. Based on some of the internet reading I've done, it seems it's possible that I have mono and that is what is causing the rash, with the antibiotic. It's not itchy, so I guess it could be worse, but I am just not sure what it is or what to do.

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Flaky Skin After Penicillin

by Andrew
(The Netherlands)

Hello, my name is Andrew Barker and a couple of years ago I had a sore throat. After a few nights I thought now was the time to see the doctor. Within minutes of seeing the doctor he came up with the master plan, penicillin.

After taking the penicillin, sure enough my sore throat was getting better but something unusual was happening. My skin started to go red all over my hands, arms, and face, basically anywhere there was skin. After a day or so my skin started to flake off. I think I must have lost at least two or three layers of skin. The doctor just said I was allergic to penicillin, nice of him I thought. The thing is it took roughly 5-6 weeks before I could even go outside again because it was so awfull to look at and people would just stare.

The skin has never really recovered and in winter time it is so thin that my hands and face look 30 years older. They bleed if I put my hands in my pockets too many times and small parts of my skin still flake in the cold. The dryness, pain and feeling you get in the cold isn't nice but at least I know now I am allergic to penicillin.

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Small White Circles Rash and Hot Water

by Mike
(New Jersey)

Recently, my joint custody 12 year old daughter has experienced a chronic rash. After using hot water, small white circles that you can barely see will break out on her legs and she says it really itches. Medical allergy testing for the rash was negative for allergic reactions to a number of items. However, at the medical exam, hot water brought out the small white circles. The doctor did not prescribe any medicine. The mother has been giving her Benadryl and Cortisone anti-itch lotion. They seem to have accepted this condition and continue with this over-the-counter treatment. I have attempted to communicate that this should hopefully not be a life long condition of heat rash and she needs further testing for treatment to fully heal and resolve this condition. I have told them, maybe it's parasitic, bacterial or viral. I do not know.

Today, I have just began researching this condition for my daughter's health. I need to communicate with others who may have the same condition: hot water bringing out small white circles and find out if there is a treatment or cure. Any ongoing feedback is most highly appreciated. Thank you

A most Concered Dad, Mike.

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Benadryl and Prednisone not Calming Itch

by Shani
(North NY)

It all happened in a little less than a day. I woke up on a Friday with itchy hands. Throughout the day, it started spreading up my arm. The itch was relentless. I went to bed, woke up the next day, and found it had spread to my legs. After changing my bed sheets and vacuuming the house, I went to the doctor. He gave me Benadryl and Prednisone to calm and reduce the rash but it didn't help. I found myself waking up in the middle of the night to let my nails do their job. When morning came, my legs and arms were burning and covered in even more blotchy, itchy beasts from hell. When I wouldn't scratch them, the blotches were reduced to red "circles" that would disappear only to reappear at the slightest touch of loose clothing. What is happening?

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Antibiotic Skin Rash After Taking Zythromax

by Joel
(Puerto Rico)

In 2006 I had a throat infection and was prescribed Zythromax. After a week of taking the medicine I developed a skin rash that resembled acne all over the body. It took several weeks to clear up. Recently, I had another throat infection and was prescribed an antibiotic again. I thought it was a different one but it was a just a generic brand of Zythromax and now I have the same skin rash but worse. I haven't had a serious problem with acne since my teenage years and it is frustrating to have this problem now. If anybody has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

More information on antibiotic and other skin rashes can be found at the skin rashes page.

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