Skin Rash on Chest with Fever

by Chris G
(Miami FL)

Skin rash on chest with fever

Skin rash on chest with fever

I woke up on Tuesday morning feeling a little warm and out of it. Because of the way I felt, I rested all day after taking some Aspirin. Afterwards, I noticed that I had a little itch on my skin on the left side of my chest but I did not see anything unusual on the skin and therefore I was not too concerned about it.

I live in Miami Florida and it is summer time right now. The next day my fever was up to 102.7 Fahrenheit and again I decided to pursue more rest and some more Aspirin. I hardly ever get sick and so I figured it was just a cold. The following day I felt much better and on Friday I went to work with a friend for only half of the day due to rain. Today I went back to finish the job that we started earlier. It is a landscaping job so it is outdoors and very hot! I was not feeling good at all today, my body felt warm, and I just did not feel right. I managed to finish the day at work and came home to a well needed cool shower. Afterwards, I was still feeling feverish and when I got out of the shower I saw a skin problem on my chest. I have included a couple of pictures showing the skin rash on my chest. It just so happens that this is where I felt the skin itch earlier in the week. I am not sure what this patch of skin rash on my chest is. I have decided to go to a walk in clinic tomorrow since I do not have any insurance. If anyone has any insight on this skin rash and health problem, I would appreciate some comments to this post.

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Aug 17, 2021
by: Dr Y

My guess is shingles but the treatment would be to start antivirals within 48h. Since no-one replied within 9 years it should have gone away by now.

Dec 10, 2012
Similar Skin Rash on Chest
by: Anonymous

Did you ever find out what this is? I have a very similar rash and and it is spreading.

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