Skin Rash Caused by PLEVA and Stress

by NiciRoush
(Wilmington, NC)

Red marks on the abdomen caused by a rare autoimmune disorder brought on by stress.

Red marks on the abdomen caused by a rare autoimmune disorder brought on by stress.

My skin rash problem started rather quietly. First, a kidney bean size and shaped growth appeared on the upper part of my rib cage. After seeing this and realizing that it was not going away on its own, I decided to seek a medical opinion. I went to see a dermatologist and she took a brief glance at the skin problem and pronounced that it was simply a common spider bite. She then prescribed some sort of ointment to apply to the problem skin area.

By the following weekend, I broke out overnight with many more red marks on my skin as shown in the picture posted with this submission. The best way to describe this skin problem is that it was like someone had ground out a lit cigarette on my skin for approximately 25 times. This problem was basically contained on my abdomen area and right above the bikini line. Even though the marks look very bad and extremely uncomfortable or painful, I did not feel anything at all and they did not itch. This is pretty hard to believe if you look at how terrible these marks look.

Because of this much more serious outbreak, I figure the problem was something other than a spider bite and needed to revisit the doctor to get a more accurate diagnosis. Therefore, I went back to the dermatologist. This time, after seeing the state of my skin, the dermatologist had a skin biopsy performed in order to try and diagnose this peculiar skin rash or skin hives that was affecting me. It was determined from the biopsy that this is something known as PLEVA of pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta. It is a rare autoimmune skin disease caused by stress! This makes sense because I did have a lot of stress in my life at the time. Anyway, I thought I would post my skin rash story in the hopes that it helps someone else that may develop something similar with their skin.

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Mar 18, 2018
by: David

A cigarette burn like rash sounds like staphylococcal but I have not seen it go black like that. Staphylococcal usually burns and has thick green puss. Treat it with essential oils (tea tree) as soon as they appear. Cleanliness of skin and clothes is also essential.

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