Scratching Causes Bright Red Marks on Skin
by J.R.P
Scratching Causes Bright Red Marks and Welts on Skin
I first remember my skin welting up when I was about seven or eight years old. My back itched and itched so I scratched and scratched and after I finally stopped my skin was burning hot and moments later it felt very tight. That kind of freaked me out! I thought my back looked and felt like I was a burn victim. I showed my mom but she said it would go away. It pretty much went away for a long time but I'm 27 now and it has come back in full force about a year ago.
I started waking up in the middle of the night scratching. I've tried all kinds of anti-itch lotions and creams and other stuff but decided to finally see a dermatologist. She didn't say what it was. She just prescribed me some 24 hour allergy medicine and sent me on my way. It has been working pretty good but wow do I ever really notice when I forget to take my pill. The spots I itch the most are my lower back and my legs but anywhere I scratch I end up with bright red marks and welts. A little tiny itch on my forehead turns into a big red mark that lasts for about an hour. It is a little embarrassing!