Scalp Itching Caused By Dermographism

by Anonymous

I have all the classic symptoms of Dermographism on my back and arms and some places on my legs. But I also have severe itching on my scalp and I can feel small welts which come and go with the severity of the itching. If I can refrain from scratching my scalp the welts do not come and I try to not scratch but rub the itching area as little as possible. Sometimes I wake in the night and I am really scratching my scalp with a vengence. It soon stops and I am able to go back to sleep. I have no itching at all on my face, thank goodness. Thank you for any help you can provide in dealing with this problem.

It is not that unusual that a specific area is affected. Your best option is to use an antihistamine, perhaps just before bed, to try and relieve or prevent the onset of night time scalp itching. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist to determine the right antihistamine product to use.

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Dec 11, 2010
Itchy Scalp and Aloe Vera
by: Macy

I experienced this for a long time. I use normal shampoo and my fiance suggested to not use any shampoo with perfume and harmful chemicals. He is a Holistic health practitioner and uses nothing but natural products on his body. Just few nights ago, I came up with fresh aloe vera and took the gel off and applied it into my scalp overnight with shower cap. If you are not comfortable to sleep, you may rinse it and use a herbal natural shampoo or any organic shampoo. It works for me! My scalp is no longer itching. It used to be extremely itchy until I would get some small bumps with some blood! It was so disgusting! But I am so happy now that it's finally gone!

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