Ringworm Pictures, Causes and Prevention

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Ringworm Pictures

Ringworm pictures are useful in helping to identify whether you have this fungal skin problem or not. Pictures of ringworm can illustrate the symptoms often described. These symptoms include well-defined raised patches of red skin with a white or normal skin colored area in the middle. This creates the characteristic ring look that is associated with a ringworm problem on the torso of an individual.

However, ringworm can also attack other skin areas such as the scalp. In this case the skin on the scalp usually does not show the ring pattern described above. Instead, crusty or scaly type skin patches are evident. In addition, areas of hair loss also occur when ringworm has affected the scalp area.

Pictures can be very useful when researching skin problems and will help you start the diagnosis process but not complete it because some skin conditions can produce similar symptoms. For a proper and more accurate diagnosis of this skin care problem, you should visit a skin doctor or dermatologist. The doctor may have to do some clinical testing in order to establish the presence of ringworm or determine if the symptoms are due to some other skin problem.

Ringworm Causes

Ringworm pictures maybe useful to examine but it is important to also examine the causes of this skin problem. Ring worm or tinea is caused by resilient skin fungi or dermatophytes that grow and multiply and cause a skin infection. The fungi live on the dead layer of the tough protein called keratin that rests on the top surface of the skin. Keratin is also found in your nails and hair. Therefore, fungus problems are quite common on the nails and scalp as well as the skin. The fungi do not venture deeper into the skin matrix, because they cannot live there.

Where does the ringworm causing fungi come from? The fungi can come from direct skin to skin contact with individuals already infected, from infected animals especially cats but also dogs, rabbits, ferrets, cattle, horses, goats, pigs, and even chickens, from prolonged contact with soil containing the fungi, or due to contact with non-living objects that have the fungi on them.

Sharing clothes or towels with a person that has ringworm or is carrying the fungi is one way of contracting ringworm via contact with a non-living object. It is often difficult to zero in on the actual source that caused the problem, unless it is known that direct contact with an infected individual has occurred. Often, an adult can be a carrier of the fungi, but not actually be infected or have ringworm. Children often suffer from tinea because of their weaker immune systems and because of the modes of infection described above.

Obviously, this skin problem is contagious. However, vulnerability of an individual depends on various factors. Not everyone exposed to the skin fungi will develop tinea. Some individuals, due to various health conditions or health problems are more likely to develop tinea on exposure. This is especially true for people with weakened immune systems.

The fungi thrive under certain conditions. Warm and moist conditions are ideal places for the fungi to stay active and create the ring worm problem. Therefore, sweaty areas of the body are typical target sites. The absence of light also helps the fungi grow. The groin area and the foot area (especially between the toes) are particularly vulnerable to a skin fungus infection.

Therefore, if ringworm pictures have helped you in diagnosing your skin problem, think about what the cause may have been to prevent future issues.

Ringworm Prevention

Part of a treatment for ringworm involves practicing proper prevention so that ringworm does not continue to be a problem, is not spread to other people, or is not contracted in the first place.

The first point to note is that the ringworm causing fungi grow in warm, moist, and dark areas. Therefore, public swimming pools and locker rooms are prime locations for the fungi to exist and proper care should be taken in these areas. Wear sandals or water shoes to avoid getting ringworm on the feet.

Avoid skin-to-skin contact with a person that has ringworm and if you have ringworm, avoid touching affected skin areas and then healthy skin areas. Shower after contact sports because these involve a lot of direct contact with other people.

When examine ringworm pictures, you often find this problem in skin folds and between toes tend not to see any light and are warm and moist areas. Once again, the fungi thrive in these areas. Keeping your skin cool, clean and dry will help prevent ringworm from appearing on the skin.

Ringworm is contagious. Therefore, avoid sharing of items such as clothing, towels, bedding, combs, hairbrushes, make-up brushes, hats, and sports equipment. Any clothing or other items that are suspected of being contaminated should be washed with a fungicidal soap and in hot water. If contact with fungi on the body is suspected, then a wash with an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial soap will help prevent the ringworm skin problem. To avoid ringworm on the scalp, shampooing after a haircut can help.

Avoid touching pets suspected of having ringworm. Bald spots caused by loss of hair or fur are likely visible if a pet has a ringworm problem. If pets have ringworm and you can examine ringworm pictures of dogs and cats to help you diagnose this, bring them to a veterinarian for a treatment for ringworm.

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