Reoccurring Very Itchy Rash on Leg

by Becky
(Michigan, USA)

reoccurring itch rash on leg in the same spot

reoccurring itch rash on leg in the same spot

About five years ago now I had skin hives cover my whole body for about two and a half weeks. No reason for these hives appearing could ever be found. The next month, after my hives were gone, a small bump in my leg starts to itch really bad. At first I thought it was just a simple mosquito bite on my skin. However, it developed into a very itchy skin rash lasting about a week and then it would go away. Now this same scenario happens about every month in the same exact spot every time. It is a very very itchy skin condition and when it appears it turns bright red.

During the winter months, the itchy skin rash did not appear at all but now it is the month of June and it has unfortunately returned. I avoided shaving my leg in the problem area thinking that I may be allergic to my razor and I may simply be irritating that area of the skin.

Please help me with this skin rash problem! If anyone can provide me with a clue as to what this is and why this keep going on I would appreciate it. I have included a picture of this reoccurring itchy rash that appears on my leg. You can clearly see the redness and bumps. This picture does not show how itchy the reoccurring skin rash is on my leg.

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Jul 29, 2024
Similar Issues With Rash
by: Anonymous

I have something similar.

I have taken it to 'get tested' multiple times and they always refuse and assure me it is not that, so it is pretty frustrating because they never know what it is but can only tell me what it is not.

Sometimes when there is a medical problem doctors can't answer, the answer is parasites.

I have tried antifungals, including dietary changes, and it doesn't stay away.

I am going to try that, and hopefully it will fix it, but I am also leaving this here for anyone who may come to this post and not have hope for a remedy.

Nov 21, 2017
Red Itchy Rashes on Legs
by: Anonymous

For the last few weeks, I have had red itchy leg rashes which are spreading all over my legs. These leg rashes are eventually turning into something like dry wounds. Even though they are itching, there is no discharge of pus. Sometimes there is a water-like discharge from this rash on legs. I have tried wiping this water-like discharge and applying it on another skin area to check if I get a leg rash there and no skin rash formed at all. Therefore, it is not a spreading type rash.

I can confirm that it is not an infectious disease. However, these rashes have not stopped and are spreading like round red spots all over my legs. I have consulted with dermatologists and based on their sugestion, I took a few injections with AVIL and some other components. These injections had a nice effect, however the leg skin rash started spreading again as soon as I stopped taking those injections.

Please help with this leg rash. I am fed up with these rashes and need a treatment that will remedy this skin problem once and for all.

Jun 27, 2017
Any Diagnosis for this Leg Rash?
by: Lizzy

This is exactly what I have! Do you have any diagnosis at all? I have had biopsy's cream and it has lasted for seven years. It has just come back after a winter of nothing! Any advice is welcome.

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