Reoccurring Red Itchy Body Welts

by Tori
(Charleston, WV)

A few months ago, I suddenly started getting these red itchy skin welts on my body. The itching was so intense I could not sleep at all. The antihistamine Benadryl did not help and neither did the various cortisone creams that I tried. The only thing that provided me any relief at all from these reoccurring itchy body welts was putting ice on the affected skin areas. However, the itchy welts would go away and come right back in a totally different area of my body. I went to the emergency room three times for this skin rash problem and no one there was able to figure out what the skin condition was. Then my daughter who is five years old also starting having similar bumps on her skin, only she doesn't itch as bad as me, but still no treatment makes the skin welts go away. My husband and son do not have these red itchy body welts however.

The itchy skin welts suddenly went away for about three weeks when I developed Bell's Palsy. During this time I had no welts, but shortly after the Bell's Palsy went away, the welts came back. What's going on? This skin problem is really confusing me. I am hoping this next trip to my daughter's doctor will be a referral to an allergist but any advice that anyone can provide on my skin problem would be appreciated.

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Nov 22, 2017
Itchy Hives and Welts Skin Problem
by: Anonymous

I have been having this itchy skin problem for about four months now. Four months ago, I would wake up itchy, usually on the back of my legs and I would get welts that are very itchy. I would usually get the problem in the evening hours. The skin problem consists of very itchy welts that grow large and spread all over my body. My eyes and lips even get swollen. This skin problem happens every night except the swelling of the eyes and lips does not always occur, it is just the hives all over the body that are more consistent.

I tried to change the food I eat every day to find out what is causing it and I even changed how I wash my clothing and sheets but I still get it. I delivered a baby last February by a Cesarean section. I just wonder if it could be from the injections I received. I need help before I go see a doctor for this skin problem.

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