Red Round Skin Rash on Arms with No Itch

by Anonymous

Last year I experience a similar skin problem except the red round skin rash that did not itch was on my arms, stomach and on my legs. I went to the doctor and she tested me for Syphilis, thinking it was a syphilis type skin rash. The test came back negative and the doctor told me that the skin rash I had was very rare, but most people that have it usually also have Syphilis. However, since I did not have it the doctor said this red round skin rash with no itch would all be gone in about six months. The doctor did not give me any medications or creams in order to treat the skin rash.

I cannot remember the name for this skin rash, but she did not say anything about it coming back once it went away. However, this morning I woke up and both arms have the red round skin rash again. The rash looks like cigarette burns, or welts but they do not hurt at all. Does anyone know what could this red round skin rash on my arms could be?

You can diagnose your rash at this link.

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