Red Bumps Rash on Stomach and Back

by Shana
(Chippewa Falls Wisconsin)

Red bumps skin rash on stomach and back

Red bumps skin rash on stomach and back

I have been really stressed out lately and been working on my roof. I pulled a lot of old insulation out of my attic about a week before the rash happened. This skin rash is very itchy and started on my back and on my stomach but mostly started on my stomach. Then, after a while, it spread to my upper arms and my upper legs. The red bumps rash also started to appear on my chest and neck.

It is very itchy as I mentioned before but not intolerable. When I sleep or relax the rash seems to dissipate quite a bit. My diet has been poor lately. I also switched laundry detergent for a couple of days because I ran out of my free and clear. I have very sensitive skin to begin with. The rash was almost gone last night then it came back today the same.

I am not sure if the rash is related to the poor diet, the switch in detergent, overall stress, or irritation from the insulation. Perhaps it is a combination of two or more of these factors.

I have included a picture of my red bumps skin rash for more information.

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Oct 31, 2019
Too Many Factors
by: Moderator

Shana, your post indicates that there are many variables that changed at about the same time. Because of this, it is difficult for you and doctors to isolate the cause of the rash. Your best chance of a diagnosis, if the rash does not go away in a short amount of time, is to isolate which factor is most likely to be causing the rash. I would think that if the rash does not go away, the most likely candidates for the problem would be diet and stress. However, they may also be unknown factors at play as well. I would discuss this with your doctor if the rash persists.

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