Recurring Skin Rash Bumps on Arm and Chest

by Anonymous

Dark spots are scars from previous bumps. You can see the new rash bumps forming under skin.

Dark spots are scars from previous bumps. You can see the new rash bumps forming under skin.

In late February or early March I started noticing a very itchy bump that was on my arm. I thought it was harmless so I scratched it and scratched it, sometimes until the point where it would bleed. After a couple weeks it didn't go away and I started to realize I had more bumps starting to appear. After a while these skin bumps turned into what looked like ring worm. So for about three weeks I was using and anti-itch cream thinking that would make the rash or bumps go away. Not at all. The skin itchy skin bumps started spreading further up my arm and it looked like I broke out with ring worm all over my right arm. I told my mother about it finally at the end of March thinking this would go away on its own but I couldn't wait any longer due to the fact I was seeing them continue to appear on my arm.

I went to the dermatologist and he performed a skin culture to see if it was ringworm or some other type of fungus. Meanwhile, I left the doctor's office with a cream. I believe it was called Medimoxil or something along that line. It had completely healed my arm of whatever the skin rash may have been but for some reason I had started developing the same little bumps on my chest. I went back to the doctors after two weeks and the results of my test were negative. It wasn't a fungus, which meant it couldn't have been ring worm and they couldn't tell me what exactly it could be.

So then the doctors began to tell me it may be a bacteria something that is affecting me internally. I showed the doctor the bumps on my chest (little red bumps that turn into white heads not itchy at all) and then I showed him the same exact ones on the same arm. These bumps had started to appear also after the rash had cleared up. At this point I'm furious because I don't know what this is or how it started after 21 years of living.

So the doctor gave me some pills to take to kill whatever it was internally that was causing my arm and chest to break out in these bumps as well as some watery liquid which smelled like alcohol to put on the new bumps that were occurring. I started using the new medicines and they were working. The bumps were disappearing but for some reason the liquid I was given to use on my arm and chest caused the bumps to leave darks scars, which look like acne scars. I had used those medicines for probably two months and everything was almost back to normal. Except for the fact that I would now see maybe one or two bumps every now and then. I completely ran out of the medicines and then I noticed the bumps started to come back. I have been given two different prescriptions to help whatever this issue is and still no luck.

As of today, I have had to recently get a refill to hopefully keep this skin rash of bumps under control. My arm is fine besides some scarring but my chest is still continuing to get these little light red bumps that turn into what looks like whitehead pimples. What can I do to get this to stop? What could it be? I have been treated internally and externally and continuing to be treated until this day. Why do they keep occurring?

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Jan 20, 2017
Skin Rash on my Chest and Back
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem. I noticed all this after starting doing body-building. It disappears and appears on the same mark.

Jun 21, 2015
Same Skin Problem
by: Anonymous

I also have the same skin problem as My Brother explained. It is on my chest and arm. I do not really know what it is. I have tried several medicated soaps and ointments, but no luck.

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