Red Itchy Rash under Breasts

by Monica
(Fillmore, NY. United States)

A few years ago I developed a very red, itchy, painful rash around my inner thighs and pelvic area. I was prescribed a salve by my gynecologist. It cleared up but has since returned and now I have a rash under my breasts. I have made an appoinment with my gynecologist again. This breasts rash is very annoying and I am embarrassed by it because I feel disgusting and don't want any men to see it. I have tried several over-the-counter medications and powders and nothing helps. It seems worse when I sweat in those areas I mentioned above.

Could this under breasts rash be caused by some type of hormone change? I am 46 years old and I believe I am going through menopause. I don't seem to have a breakout anywhere else. I thought maybe I was allergic to some type of soap or clothing, but I don't break out anywhere else. If you have ANY answers or suggestions, please let me know. The skin rash is very red, itchy and irritating.

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Dec 25, 2010
thank u for the help!
by: Anonymous

wow...thank u sooo much! i was beginning to think i was the only 1 that had it or had something no one could explain. it gets very annoying and embarassing. i hope i can find some of that stuff, not quite sure where or who to get it from around here, but thank u again!

Dec 25, 2010
RESOLVE your problem
by: DEL

as it occurs it warm areas like between the legs and folds of skin, It is a kind of skin fungus, caused by the heated areas. It is probaably a natural imbalance of the organisms that occur normally on the surface of your skin. Ive had it, my dad and my friens. her underbreast actually cracked and bled. buy some resolve balm from the chemist and apply apx 4 times a day, more if it gives you relief and you want more. there is a resolve cream with cortisone, but Ive found the balm to be better. It will sooth, and create a barrier putting the sweat on the outside of the cream, protecting the skin to heal. It lowers your skin fungus clusters, and the skin will heal. Use it then whenever you start to itch in those areas. I find the undie-line a problem, and keep a tube always on my toilet windowsill, so does my dad. we live in atropical climate, and found the problem whem we moved here. when u put the cream on, you will feel it tingle and a warming sensation, but it doesnt hurt. use it sparingly, as when it warms on your skin it can be spread abit more. hope this helps.

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Itchy Dry Rash Under Breast

by Kim Hall
(Oxnard, CA )

My rash under breasts started a few days ago and I thought it to be a heat rash. At first the rash was under my breasts and around my belly button. Now it has spread between my breasts and a little on my chest and the front of the armpit. The rib cage area of the body is the worst and most itchy. I have never had any kind of skin rash before and I am not prone to rashes or allergies.

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