Rash Under Arms and Inner Thighs

by Madison

I have had a rash under both of my arms and on the inner part of my thighs for several months now. I had this skin rash problem checked by a dermatologist and the only diagnosis that I received back was that I likely was experiencing an allergic reaction to something. However, the allergen was not identified at the time. Therefore, I took it upon myself to try and find what could possibly be causing this allergic rash under my arms and on my inner thighs. For months I tried changing laundry soaps, using different bath products, and so on. However, this skin rash only goes away when I'm on Promethazine which is a histamine blocker. Unfortunately, the rash comes back after a couple of days.

It I was to describe the rash it is painful, red in color and very itchy. I was thinking that perhaps it might be caused by the Zoloft I was taking or maybe some another medication, or perhaps some type of food. The weird part about this is that the rash ONLY shows up under my arms and inner thighs and no where else. I cannot find a link with anything that would touch only those areas and cause this condition.

I have included a picture of the rash on my inner thigh. If anyone has any suggestions on what this could be or how to treat it, I would appreciate the help.

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Feb 06, 2020
Thigh Rash and Arm Pit Rash
by: Callum

I know how much of a problem this can be, so I decided to give you a little suggestion. I was put on an antibiotic as a treatment for a rash on my feet and within a few days I had what was said to be an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. A rash appeared on both inner thighs and both arm pits and upper chest. It appears to be in places involving a high amount of sweat. I hope that helps!

Dec 14, 2019
Same Under Arm and Inner Thigh Rash
by: Anonymous

I have been struggling with exactly the same rash for a few months now. It is just under my arms and inner thigh. When I first had this last year, the doctor said it was folliculitis. So, I took some cream and it cleared up. Then it came back a few months ago and using the same cream, it has not cleared up this time. It is so itchy but I try not to scratch it or it welts. I am going to go back to the doctor on Monday.

Jul 12, 2017
by: Anonymous

Some months ago, I noticed a kind of rash over both upper thighs. It looked like a cross between bruising and red patches. It did not itch but it could be sore at times. Lately it has started to spread to under one arm and still no itch. I also have an infection and took antibiotics in the last week. The rash has turned nasty red and has spread up my hips and both underarms. I finished my antibiotic last week but the rash has continued. Yes it could be a reaction but it did preexist the antibiotic. Doctors just say they do not know what it is. As I am in remission from breast cancer, this is not funny. It now looks red and raw. I have taken some antihistamines to see if they help.

Jun 19, 2017
Jock Itch?
by: Anonymous

This might sound crazy, but could it be jock itch? My fiance had the same thing for about a year when we met but we did not have insurance to look into it. I know it itched him horribly and I would always try to put on lotion to help, but it never seemed to help much. Then I stumbled on a picture of jock itch that looked similar, but not quite like his. We tried a cream specifically for it, and it cleared up within DAYS. I did not think that would be his problem at all, but it's worth a shot!

Feb 26, 2017
Same Rash in Same Location
by: Anonymous

Oh wow. I have the exact same rash and same location. I woke up with it a few days ago and it itches. Have you figured out what it is?

Jan 15, 2017
Neck, Armpits, and Legs
by: Same in NC

I have the same thing. It's on my armpits, inside my elbows, either side of my neck, and on the insides of my thighs. When the weather is hot they get worse. I use Benadryl anti-itch gel and then the rash goes away. Unfortunately, it does come back. My doctor doesn't know what it is either. I found online that it had to do with the bacteria in my skin, but my phone broke, and now I can't find the site!

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