Rash on Hand Joints, Elbows, and Knees

by Annie
(Louisiana )

I would like to share my skin rash story on this website as so many other have. The beginning of my skin problem was a little bit odd. I started out with a skin rash around only on the tips of my fingernails. This is a little weird but it is where I first noticed the issue. The rash would occur whenever I would do my fingernails, when I was younger, even though I had been getting acrylic nails for four years already. So, because of the appearance of the rash, I stopped doing my nails to see if the rash would stop appearing.

Then, starting this year, a rash started to appear on my knuckles of my hands and also on both of my elbows. The rash was not all over my arms but just in those areas. If I have to describe the rash, it is best categorized as one that produces small pustules. One doctor that I saw about this problem, misdiagnosed my rash as a scabies skin problem. This diagnosis freaked me out completely and I had to miss a lot of time from work because of the misdiagnosis. I then went to another doctor to get a second opinion and he said it was possibly a skin condition called folliculitis or he also thought it could possibly be a staph infection. Really, from what they were saying, I do not think they had any idea what it was and were just throwing out some possible ailments.

Luckily, the rash went away with some antibiotics treatment, and just as a precaution (because I work in the medical field and had to get rid of it fast) with permethrin in case it was indeed a scabies issue, which fortunately it was not.

Now, something else has started on my skin. For two days straight, after I get out of the bath, I have the same skin rash appearing on my hip joints and on my posterior portion of my body. In fact, this morning I unfortunately woke up with the rash also present on my legs, or more specifically on both of my knees. The rash is like whelps and it is VERY hot feeling rash and almost like the skin burning. What the heck is going on now with my skin? Can someone please help me and shed some light on this skin rash on my hand joints, elbows, and knees. If anyone has experience anything similar, please post a comment.

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