Raised Skin Welt in a Distinct Pattern

by Anonymous

Raised skin welt on the back in the form of a distinct pattern.

Raised skin welt on the back in the form of a distinct pattern.

My father woke up one morning with a raised skin welt pattern on his back. I have attached a picture to illustrate the effect on the skin that I am talking about. What would cause this raised skin welt pattern to form?

I am assuming that your father was lying on something that was causing pressure on his skin when he was sleeping. In the skin condition known as dermatographism, when pressure is applied to the skin, the skin raises from the surface or forms welts or hives in the shape or pattern of the applied pressure. For example, when a person has dermatographism and uses a dull object to write his or her name on their arm, then raised skin welts will form that show the name that was written on the arm. This is why the dermatographism skin welt problem is often called skin writing disease.

Now the raised welts are usually red but not always. In the picture you have provided, the raised skin pattern is white, although it may have been red when it first formed.

From the picture, it does look like your father may have dermatographism. To perform a quick diagnosis, take something like a tongue depression and stroke the skin in a specific pattern of your choice with moderate pressure. If within a minute or so the skin forms raised welts or hives in the form of the pattern, then you father likely has the dermatographism skin hives problem. For a more thorough diagnosis, a visit to a dermatologist is in order. Treatment usually involves the use of antihistamines, although there are a couple of natural remedies that are available for those who prefer to avoid antihistamines and their side-effects.

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Oct 10, 2023
Welt in a Distinct Pattern
by: Rheanne

I noticed a welt type spot on my arm and wondered what could have caused such a pattern to form, kind of a spiral, the same as the photo. I had just cut up a mango and while washing the seed between my hands a spot on the side of my palm stung, which I thought was odd because my hand had not been sore or tender all day, so it was the only unusual occurrence before I noticed this on my arm! Never seen such a pattern before!

May 14, 2023
Welted Pattern on Skin
by: Anonymous

I woke up with a welted geometric pattern on my arm. There is nothing that could have created pressure on my arm to make that pattern. It eventually dissipated. It didn't hurt or feel itchy either.

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