Pox like Spots on Chest Arms Neck Legs

by Jo

Pox like Spots Skin Rash on Chest

Pox like Spots Skin Rash on Chest

This started with one small spot on my chest in November 2010 and I thought it was just a normal spot. I then got three, then four and now I am covered. The spots scab and scar and I have new ones now still appearing. The newsest ones look more like blood blisters and are not dry. The doctors thought it was scabies, chicken pox, or an allergic reaction to washing powder. I found Porasis Rosea in google which seemed to be similar but my gut feeling is it isn't as its recent appearance has changed.

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Jun 25, 2017
Same Rash as in Picture
by: Ana Robinson

I have looked all over the Internet trying to find clues as to what skin problem I have and your picture is exactly how my skin looks. I get it under my arms, stomach, butt, thighs, and back of my legs (basically everywhere the sun does not shine). Unfortunately, my parents when I was growing up, did not have the funds to take me to get checked and I have gone through life trying to not let it bother me. I have had it since I was about 11 years old and now I am 31 and throughout the years it has come and gone. My only relief and quickest way of getting rid of it was going tanning. I have gone the past ten years with a little to almost no spots, just scarring, but just a few days ago it reappeared full blown. I too am unsure what to call this condition but would love to find out.

Jun 15, 2014
Same Skin Problem for Five Years
by: Anonymous

I have been dealing with this same skin problem for years! So far I'm onto either a lupus associated rash or follicitus (?). It's mainly on my torso under the breast area, hips, back and sometimes will extend into my neck/limbs. There is no facial activity though.

Aug 15, 2013
I Think That is What I Have
by: Anonymous

I think this is what I have too. I have had it for well over 10 years! The bigger ones I get have left scars. Sometimes I will get a really bad flare up and other times only a dozen or so but I'm never completely clear of them. I get the spots all over my body but mainly on my arms and legs. I've been to the doctors loads of times but they don't seem to know what it is. Did you ever find out?

Apr 09, 2012
Similar Looking Rash on Skin
by: Anonymous

This pox like rash looks a lot like what I have had over the past few days and it is getting worse. Have you found out what it is? Has it gone away?

Feb 09, 2011
by: Colette

Hello, I think that I have the same thing you have. Can you advise me how you dealt with the problem and if you ever found out what the problem was?

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