Pictures of Skin Tags 

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Pictures of skin tags can be used to help individuals determine whether they have a skin tag problem or not. However, skin tag pictures or skin tag photos should not be the only method used for identification or diagnosis. Taking note of the skin tag symptoms such as smooth hanging skin and presence of the growth in the skin folds are just some of the factors to consider. More detailed symptoms that should be studied can be found at the symptoms of skin tags page on this site.

Looking at skin tag pictures should be for information purposes only. It is a first step to try and identify what that growth on your skin is. Photos can be useful but can also lead to misdiagnosis. If there is any doubt about the skin growth, visit a physician for a more thorough assessment. A physician has the experience and analytical abilities to make the correct diagnosis and ensure no other serious problems develop because of an improper diagnosis.

Pictures are a great resource in some cases to help alleviate some concern, but one should be cautious so that more serious skin care problems such as skin cancer are not overlooked or taken lightly.

Pictures of Skin Tags - Symptoms

There are a number of classic skin tag symptoms. The first basic sign of a skin tag is where on the body it is normally found. Any skin area can form a skin tag, but these skin growths are more likely to develop in the skin fold areas. Typical target sites are the neck region, the groin area and on the genitals in men and women, the armpits, under the breasts in women, the eyelids, and the skin surrounding the orbital bone. More skin tag symptoms have to do with the actual look of the skin growth. Skin tags are generally smooth on the surface although some slight wrinkling can be present, they are soft, they are spongy, and hang or protrude out from the skin’s surface. The growths are easily movable back and forth. A skin tag is often flesh colored but occasionally is a little darker than the overall skin tone of the individual. The growth may be red if it is being constantly irritated by clothing for example. Moles and hair are not associated with a skin tag in most cases.

Signs of skin tags also include the size. A tag is on average small and only a few millimetres in diameter. However, they can grow slowly to be larger – even up to the size of a typical grape.

Another common skin tag sign is the lack of pain. These growths are not painful unless they are being constantly irritated or are twisted.

For the most part, there is no reason to be concerned about skin tags, but if changes in color occur, multi-colors are present, pain is persistent, or bleeding occurs, then a visit to a physician is in order to ensure there are no other factors such as skin cancer at play.

Related skin tag resources:

skin tags and causes | symptoms and pictures of skin tags removing skin tags at home | other removal

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