Intense Skin Rash on Body
by Casey
(North Carolina)
Intense skin rash on side of torso that cannot be treated successfully
Starting in November of 2010, with some symptoms or signs, but later my skin all over my body became covered in a rash. It started on my wrists and quickly spread all over my hands, arms, legs, etc. Doctors treated my skin rash condition for scabies two or three times, which seemed to help for a day or two, but then the rash came back very intense afterwards. I have tried oral steroids, Atarax, steroid creams, antibiotics, antifungals but nothing has successfully treated this skin rash.
From the time period of December of 2010 to November 2011, the rash would "bubble" up and I would tear at it, leaving big, deep wounds on my feet especially, but generally this would occur all over my body. Someone finally suggested Dermatitis Herpetiformis, and I stopped eating wheat/gluten on November 1, 2011.
So, over six months later I am not having the same "bone-itching" deep rash, but the generalized reddish superficial rash will NOT go away. Steroid cream takes the edge off, as does Atarax, but it doesn't make the rash go away.
I recently undertook a new cycle of prednisone, which is helping significantly, but obviously I fear the rash is only being "covered up."
I have been to three different dermatologists, one allergist, and three general practitioners. Two months ago, I stopped eating dairy altogether but this had no result. A couple of weeks ago I went three days eating nothing but brown rice and apples and still no results.
If anyone can provide some helpful advice, I would appreciate it. I have attached a picture of the rash as it appears on the side of my torso.