Herpes Skin Rash on Arms

by Amanda
(Boston, MA)

I would like to describe a skin problem that I am having to see if anyone knows whether it could be related to the herpes virus or not. The skin rash that I have on my arm is in the form of bumps that are very small but they look like tiny little blisters. The small bumps on my skin are itchy and more pinkish in skin color than red. I have an olive skin tone and so these bumps are quite noticeable. This skin rash that I am describing has spread to the other arm and is very difficult to diagnose. I cannot tell if this skin rash could be eczema or a heat rash or maybe some other type of skin rash that I am not aware of.

My sister was recently diagnosed with herpes but I haven't used any of her hygiene products except for a body wash that is in a bottle, so you would have to squeeze it out as compared to a bar soap that would produce body to body contact.

Because I have not shared any items with her, I do not think it is related to the herpes but I am still curious if herpes can be spread on to the upper extremity of the body instead of the mouth and nose. Is it possible to get a herpes skin rash on the arms? I am not sure and therefore, if anyone has any information on the herpes skin rash, please post to this list.

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Mar 14, 2015
Herpes on Arms
by: Anny

Yes you can. I've had it on my upper arm for over 40 years. I didn't realize it was recurring and contagious at first, and spread the infection to a spot on my abdomen during a later recurrence, and I've had outbreaks there ever since also. My doctor said it's an unusual place to have herpes, so I must have had a small lesion in my skin when the virus got on it.

It doesn't sound like you have herpes though. It starts out with an itchy patch of red bumps which become sore, fluid-filled blisters that scab over and go away after a week or so. They won't come back for maybe months or years, most likely when I'm stressed.

When I first feel the itch, if I slap an ice cube on it a few times a day, I can often prevent it from reaching the painful blister stage altogether.

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