Natural Remedies for Eczema

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Response to natural remedies for eczema can vary widely from one individual to another. Correct diagnosis of the specific type of eczema is essential for proper eczema treatment. To help a skin doctor correctly diagnose the type of eczema, special attention should be paid to when the skin condition appears, on which parts of the body, the symptoms, severity of the flare-ups, what may have triggered the condition, and family history.

The traditional eczema remedy or treatment involves the use of moisturizer creams or lotions to help relieve the dry skin symptoms of eczema such as itch. Calamine lotion can also be used to help relieve the itch. In other cases the treatment goes beyond simply treating the dry skin symptoms. For example, topical hydrocortisone creams or ointments may be used to help heal the skin to some degree and help relieve the eczema skin care problem. With eczema there is also a chance of the skin becoming infected and therefore, antibiotic ointments or creams may be prescribed if necessary. Finally, depending on the type of eczema that is present, anti-fungal creams may also be required. More information on these treatments is provided below.

Emollients and Moisturizers as Eczema Treatments

The purpose of emollients is to reduce the loss of moisture or water from the skin. This helps prevent the dry skin that is commonly associated with eczema and reduces the itch. Emollients are available in ointments for very dry skin and creams and lotions for mild to moderate eczema. Emollients can be directly applied to the skin or incorporated as a soap substitute. There are a number of different emollients available that can be used as a cure for eczema or eczema treatment. Trial and error may be necessary to determine which is most effective for your skin condition. Always test the product on a small portion of the skin for sensitivity before applying it in amounts that are more generous. For more information on this eczema cure visit the dry skin treatments page.

Steroids as a Cure for Eczema

Eczema that cannot be controlled with moisturizers or emollients requires treatments that are more aggressive. Steroids are such treatments. Topical steroids when applied to the skin act to reduce the inflammation association with this dry skin care problem. The strength of the medication varies depending on the age of the patient and the type and severity of the condition. Steroid use as a cure for eczema may also be administered orally when this skin condition is more severe. Follow your skin doctor or dermatologist’s instructions carefully when using steroid treatments.

Other Treatments as Eczema Cures

  • antihistamines can be prescribed to reduce itch and inflammation
  • use cotton clothing and bedding to allow the skin to stay cool and breathe (synthetics and wool may irritate)
  • avoid strong laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and dryer sheets
  • double rinse clothes to remove detergent residue and always wash new clothes
  • avoid scratching the affected area(s) as much as possible

Natural Remedies for Eczema

The above treatments are meant to relieve the symptoms of eczema and generally do not cure the problem. Many individuals get tired of using such products on their skin on a daily basis and are in search for an alternative to expensive medications, potions, steroids, or treatments that are often ineffective and can lead to many side effects.

Many people look for alternative or natural remedies for eczema instead of conventional ones. By using readily available natural products in the right proportions, you can eliminate your eczema skin problem. When doing so, it is wise to also consult with a doctor. Although such therapies may be helpful, often there are no scientific studies to support many of the treatments. Not all of these treatments or cures are safe even though they are labelled as “all-natural”.

If you are having difficulty with you eczema problem and are looking for natural remedies for eczema skin care problem, then a natural approach to treatment is worth investigating.

Share Your Eczema Skin Rash Story

Eczema is a skin care problem that affects about 10 to 20 percent of the world's population. It is a skin condition that can be very frustrating and difficult to deal with. If you have eczema and would like to share your eczema skin rash story then please fill out the form below. The information you provide on your symptoms, how you deal or have dealt with the eczema, and the treatments you have tried eithing unsuccessfully or successfully can help others with their eczema battle.

Related eczema links:

types and causes and dermatitis | natural remedies for eczema | pictures 

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