Dry Skin Moisturizer

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Drenched is a dry skin moisturizer that is gentle enough for your face, but strong enough to use from your head to your toes…yes, it’s true.

The use of a moisturizer is essential in preventing dry skin and helping skin return to its normal hydrated state. However, not all moisturizers were created equal. Drenched moisturizer contains several key ingredients that make it a very effective moisturizer for dry skin. Restore your skin to its soft, smooth, and healthy look. Using Drenched dry skin moisturizer is a way of preventing your skin from becoming dry and is an essential tool in effective healthy skin care.

Drenched Dry Skin Moisturizer Contains the Following Key Ingredients:

Aloe Vera: Aloe gel has been used for centuries as a skin moisturizer in skin care. Aloe gel has produced startling results in replenishing lost moisture from the skin and is an effective ingredient to have in a dry skin moisturizer. When applied to skin injuries, minor wounds, chemical or radiation burns, poison ivy, rash, etc., Aloe vera has been shown to help heal the skin very quickly with dramatic results. Aloe vera is also well known for its’ carrying benefits. When used as a base ingredient Aloe vera helps to quickly and efficiently deliver other nutrients into the skin – helping to increase their effectiveness and performance.

man with water splashing on face and dry skin moisturizer

Jojoba Oil: Research shows that insaponifiables applied to skin increase the dermal state of elastin. Starting from our early twenties (even younger if we spend a lot of time in the sun), our skin starts to lose its elasticity. All vegetable oils contain insaponifiables to some degree, most around 2 to 3%. JoJoba has 50%. Used daily in your skin care program, Jojoba Oil helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles. It is suspected that jojoba oil "tricks" the skin into stopping the production of sebum through somehow mimicking sebum. This also means that jojoba oil will assist in breaking down sebum in plugged-up pores. Sebum and jojoba oil will mix readily without sealing off the skin pores.

Rosemary Extract: Known for its astringent, toning, stimulating, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, softening, and invigorating properties. Also, has been shown to help skin regenerate in wound-healing.

dry skin moisturizer bottle

Lemon Extract: It's botanical attributes include: antibacterial, antiseptic, astringent, and toning.

Borage Extract: Known for it's anti-inflammatory properties.

Propylene Glycol: This clear, colourless liquid has superb permeation through the skin and excellent humectant properties; softens and moisturizes the skin.

Vitamin E: Known as "tocopherol" linoleate or acetate. Vitamin E is an important ingredient in a skin moisturizer product because it penetrates the stratum corneum and maintains moisture levels of the skin for long periods of time (16 to 24 hours). It accumulates in the epidermis and forms a barrier against moisture evaporation from the skin. An anti-oxidant, Vitamin E helps prevent free radical damage in the skin tissues.

Retinal Palmitate (Vitamin A): Known as "retinyl" palmitate. Reduces skin dryness and flaking, and aids healthy cell reproduction. Applied topically, it activates the epidermis and helps the skin cells of the stratum corneum bind together.

No product testing is performed on animals.

For more information about dry skin moisturizer ingredients and products visit the dry skin treatments page.

More dry skin information:

dry skin care | symptoms | causes | prevention | lotions | eczema | psoriasis | dermatitis

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