Natural Antihistamines for Hives and Welts

by Janell
(United States)

After reviewing the stories of this dermatographism hives disease, I know that it is what I have now. At least now I can put a title on it. I am going to make an appointment to see a dermatologist that is holistic. Also, I am going to try some of the natural antihistamines to combat this condition. I have suffered with this for at least three years and I did not know what it was. I decided to Google welts and hives and what causes them and by surprise I am not the only sufferer. Thank you all who have taken part in this for answering the many questions most doctors cannot answer.

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Steroids Not A Dermatographism Treatment

by Mita

I have had dermatographism for over 6 years. It stared when I was 15. My mom and I spent months trying to figure out what was going on. It was hard being 15 and already self-conscious and then to add a skin disorder to the mix made things even more difficult. When it was finally diagnosed they put me on steroids, which did not help and made me gain a lot of weight. After I was taken off of the steroids, I started taking Zantec and Doxepin twice daily. This has helped to alleviate the itching and discomfort caused by dermatographism.

I am currently seeking a natural treatment for this and (with my doctor's guidance) would really like to stop taking prescription medication. I have read positive things about drinking Noni Juice for this. We well see how well it really works.

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Bactine Spray and Hydroxyzine for Dermatographism Itch

by Donna G

To all who do not understand this condition just let me say that not only is it painful but when an attack occurs I just want to die. I was diagonsed in 2001. I kept getting these weird attacks that would cause the skin all over my body to itch just out of the blue. I get a shot once a month so the break outs are less frequent. As soon as the attack comes on I have to take Hydroxyzine 50mg which in about ten minutes or so starts to stop the pain and itching. You can literally write on my body and the pain from the itching is unreal. I do not wish this skin condition on anyone.

After I was diagoned with this, I had all my testing done with my allergist and I get two shots each week on Wednesday. This condtion is so real. It is not something that is all in your head. Also one other thing that really helps is to get a bottle of Bactine spray. This spray you can carry with you and it immediatley stops the itching on contact and works well with the Hydroxyzine. Fell free to ask me anything because I am living proof of this "unknown cause" of DERMAGRAPHISM. IT SUCKS!

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Hydroxyzine and Celestone Urticaria Treatment

by Geraldine Furtado
(Ribeirao Preto, Brazil)

"Dermatographic urticaria (also known as dermographism, dermatographism or "skin writing") is a skin disorder and is one of the most common types of urticaria, in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked or rubbed with a dull object."(see Wikipedia) NON contagious!!

I am currently on treatment and things are much better for me now.

You should ask your doctor about some medications like, Celestone. This medication is a corticosteroid. It reduces swelling. It is used for many conditions, among them: allergic reactions, skin diseases, etc.

Hydroxyzine reduces activity in the central nervous system. It also acts as an antihistamine that reduces the natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing and runny nose, or hives on the skin.

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Severe Hives and Physical Urticaria Disorders

by Amanda
(Rochester, Wa)

First off, I want to say to anyone dealing with this, I am so sorry. We just found out my 18 month old daughter has Dermagraphism along with quite a few other physical urticaria disorders. She has eczema that escalates her issues. She also gets severe hives with viral infections and landed in the ER twice with severe hives and bruising relating to her hives. She gets a reaction from almost everything. Too hot results in hives, too cold results in hives, a bump produces hives, a slight scratch gives hives, and clothing or diaper rubbing on the skin creates hives. Some hives heal up quickly and some take awhile but between her eczema and dermagraphism she is ALWAYS itchy.

Even though she is too young for a full kids dose of antihistimes they do have her on a half dose, along with various other medications to control the eczema and therefore minimize her dermagraphism. But I am at a loss on how to help her. I do everything the doctors ask, but they are perplexed as well. They said her case is very severe and basically said we can't stop it just treat the symptoms.

I guess my question is, is there anything else I can do and does anyone on this site have other physical urticaria conditions? My son also has dermagraphism and heat uticaria but not nearly as severe as my daughter. It is very hard to deal with the severity of the symptoms in such a young baby. Lucky for me she is a trooper. Any advice?

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