Tingling Sensation Under Skin

by Gouri Richards
(San Jose CA )

Does the patient also experience altered sensations like melting, tightening, crawling, twisting, etc., underneath the skin? My mother has been diagnosed with dermographism but according to my readings on the Internet patients of dermographism do not complain about altered sensations at all. Yet the skin specialist my Mom visited believes that she has Dermographism. Please tell me if along with red marks a patient of Dermographism can also expereince such sensations.

I have not encountered the described symptoms either on the Internet or in any of the stories submitted by dermographism suffers that have posted on this website. Personally, I did experience tingling and stinging of the skin when the hives would appear and even when my body started to heat up for whatever reason, such as exercising. It could very well be that these symptoms are linked to the skin senstivity that results with dermographism but it is difficult to say that for sure.

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Itching Pimples and No Raised Skin

by Inês
(Lisboa, Portugal)

I've been diagnosed with dermographism about a year and a half ago, but I don't have the same symptoms described in here. I never had the raised skin. What I have constantly (not on those timeframes of 15 to 30 minutes) is this itch that causes itching pimples. I often wake up at night scratching myself. I'm now doing a treatment with ciclosporina germed.

Do you think that this is dermographism?

Although dermatographism for many people results in raised skin when pressure is applied to the skin this is not always the case. Sometimes no welts appear. Instead the skin gets red in the affected area and pimples form. The area does become very itchy. If you have been diagnosed by a doctor then I would stick with his diagnosis unless you have an idea of what else could be causing this. For some people, even very gentle pressure will lead to itch in the affected area.

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Raised Skin Patches without Scratching

by Ruth
(Michigan, USA)

Sometimes while I'm showering I notice raised patches associated with dermatographism on my legs or my stomach. Perhaps I've scratched my skin without realizing or maybe from the washcloth, but I am wondering if the raised skin patches can happen even without scratching.

It may be that you did not notice yourself scratching or it can be that very little friction or pressure causes the raised skin patches to appear. For many dermatographism suffers, even very slight pressure causes a reaction. It could very likely be the pressure or friction of the washcloth that causes it. Also, heat seems to make the skin even more sensitive and so it is not that unusual to get out of the shower with raised skin patches when you have dermatographism.

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Raised Skin Rash on Back, Arms, and Ankles

by Mark

I've always suffered from sensitive skin when shaving or from non precious metals, etc., coming in contact with my skin, but during the last week I have had what I'm guessing is this skin condition quite severely. My skin itches, I scratch it, the skin starts to raise, and then I get intense heat and a raised skin rash. As I write this I am mainly getting it on my back, arms and ankles. Is it normal for this raised skin rash to come on suddenly? I'm allergic to shellfish and penicillin but steer clear of these so I know it can't be that.

I don't think it is all that unusual for this raised skin problem known as dermatographism to come on suddenly. I believe in many cases this is what occurs. Your body starts itching as a result of some trigger (that by the way is very difficult to pinpoint in many cases) and you scratch and the next thing you know you notice raised skin outlining where the scratching pressure was applied. In my case, I think it did suddenly appear and as you read through the many stories posted on this website by other dermatographism sufferers you will see that your case is not that unusual.

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Itchy Wrists and Arms and Between Fingers

by Francois Collinson
(Johannesburg, South Africa)

I have suddenly, in the last two weeks, developed similar symptoms raised above, in that if I open a tight tap or a bottle cap that requires pressure on the hands, my hands itch incredibly afterwards, but also for only maybe 10-15 minutes.

Recently I went for a swim and immediately after rubbing myself down afterwards, started to itch around my legs, feet, as well as the groin area.

Normally, my day starts with itchy wrists and arms and between my fingers.

Could these all be ascribed to Dermagraphism?

It could be dermatographism. If pressure on the skin causes welts, hives, or red marks, then there is a good possibility that dermatographism is present. Some people get it more severe than others. Try writing on your skin with a blunt object and see if the writing forms welts. This is basically what a physician does - a tongue depressor rubbed on the back to see if welts develop where the pressure was applied.

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Temperature Sensitive Dermatographism Skin Rash

by Anonymous

My daughter developed the rash June 2010. It appears at the change of temperature e.g. when she has a bath or when she gets cold. We have to make sure we try and keep her temperature at a constant balance. However, the rash comes up at school as well and she is becoming increasingly self-conscious and anxious as other children notice it on her arms or face. She has just had a blood test at the doctors and we are waiting for the results. Please please help if there is anything else we can do to help her or should we persist for further tests if the blood test is not conclusive?

I think you should let the doctors make sure that she does not have any other health issue related to her skin rash problem. If she is finally diagnosed with dermatographism, then unfortunately there is no cure. However, with the right antihistamines and dosage the symptoms can be controlled. Over time, the condition may subside or it may persist for many years.

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Hives and Facial Swelling and Redness

by Lisa
(Ontario, Canada)

I wish that physicians would read these stories. I cannot believe the blank look I get from doctors every time I have to go to the emergency room with severe edema causing the hives, swelling of eyes, lips, and throat. I did not get a diagnosis until I was 36 years old and I am now 38.

I see the progression of my condition as outlined below. In late public school I stopped doing the sports I loved because when I would run cross country or get highly involved in a basketball game, my face would become flushed, red and my temperature would rise dramatically. I would also experience a tightness in the throat and breathing would become laboured with wheezing. This continues today to the point that I cannot even take an aerobics class! At 16 years old, I experienced my first edema where the facial swelling was so bad that my throat closed and I had to be given epinephrine. I continue to have this happen, though not often to that severity. I do need to carry an epipen, however.

Mosquito bites or other insect bites anywhere near my face make my entire face swell and eyes swell shut. It takes forever for scabs to heal. If I sit in the sun for any length of time I end up with itchy bumps on my forearms and chest. And the welts from any scratching are a daily occurance.

The worst part is that no doctor seems to have heard of it and the allergist just told me it was something I would have to live with. No treatment. No support. I am on my own! So I thank all of you who have shared your stories.

Thank God for Benadryl!

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Itching Burning Skin Hives

by Hope P.

I am 20 years old and I was apparently born with dermographism. My mom would rush me to the ER when I was a baby because my skin would break out with hives all over my body but by the time the doctor would see me, my skin would be clear. I have lived with the itching, burning, welts, and bumps since I can remember! I had no clue what was wrong with me and nothing I had done helped.

Last summer, my husband and I were at an urgent care clinic so that he could be seen for anxiety and I was itching so bad that my back looked like I had been tied to a whippin' post and been whipped for days! I asked the doctor if he knew what it was and he told me that it was called Dermography. He told me that people are usually born with it but in most cases it does not affect them until later on in life and that it was rare for it to have been affecting me since I was a baby. I was told that it is set off by heat and touch, and that scratching will cause me to itch even more (which is very true!!!) and that there is no cure for it. He also told me that he didn't know of anything that would even relieve the itching!

If anyone has found something that will bring even the slightest bit of relief, please tell!!! It is so embarrassing when people are constantly asking me if I have been beaten by someone, and its hard to feel confident and beautiful when I have huge red welts all over my entire body almost 24/7.

There are a couple of treatments which may be effective. See this dermatographism hives treatment page.

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Dermatographism or Skin Writing Problem on Arm

by Alex

Skin writing disease on my arm with raised skin welts.

Skin writing disease on my arm with raised skin welts.

So I think I have it and it happened yesterday. But today it only goes red and does not swell up. So if that happens, does that mean I have Dermographism? Is it always the same sensitivity or can eating or exercising make it worse? I hope that makes sense!

Moderator's Comment
Sometimes the skin can form raised welts and at other times it may not. It really depends on what is going on with your body that day and how much histamine is active. Judging from the pictures, it looks like you have dermatographism, especially if you can reproduce the skin welts. I have found that certain things do make it worse. For example, exercising or getting hot, drinking alcohol, etc. There are many triggers that can aggravate it. I would suggest a visit to a dermatologist if it really begins to annoy you.

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