Cure for Hives and Itch Other Than Antihistamines

by Theresa B.
(Ventura, CA USA)

I am a 43 year old female and have had this now for about 2 years. I am on 4 different antihistamines a day and it's still not helping. I get it so bad that I am scratching my skin till it almost bleeds and I am in tears. It is absolutely so frustrating and nothing helps, except Sarna, a cream that cools the area at least. Also ice helps if the area is really hot and hived. Any helpful suggestions? I just can't believe no one really knows what causes this and what the cure is for it.

Not to mention it is so embarrassing to walk around with red marks all over my face and body.

Your frustration is common with dermatographism suffers. The causes can be several and cannot be pinpointed. There is no cure, only control of symptoms. It seems like you do not have the right antihistamines or correct dosage. Usually, you should be able to find one that helps with the symptoms for the most part. If the antihistamines you are on are not helping then with the help of your dermatologist, find a different antihistamine or adjust the dosage. Other options are natural antihistamines or ultra violet light therapy. You should be able to at least get partial relief from the symptoms.

Natural cures are also an option to pursue if you would like to try a treatment without the use of antihistamine drugs.

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Nov 27, 2016
Monthly Injections
by: Kat Jean

I too used to get uncontrolled hives with no relief. Antihistamines would take forever to kick in. I've explained my symptoms to my allergist and she prescribed Xolair Injectons once a month for the hives. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! It works for my outbreaks for the majority of the month. I can always tell when I'm due for an injection because I get small outbreaks once I pass more than four weeks of not getting another Xolair injection. Xolair was primarily used to treat allergic asthma but was discovered it also resulted in fewer outbreaks of hives. Some insurances don't cover the full balance of the injection but there are pharmaceuticals companies that offer copay assistance. Genentech access would be one company. Hope this info helps you

May 16, 2016
Alcohol Wipes
by: Anonymous

Alcohol wipes help me. They don't make it go away, but the alcohol is certainly soothing.

Dec 10, 2010
MMS CLeanse
by: Anonymous

I don't know if this will help you but I have dermographism too and I had Biofeedback done. He said I had a biological virus and so I went on a MMS/bowel cleanse for 3 weeks, then milk thistle. It has made my symptoms less so I only have to take one Reactin every two days. Another doctor had told me it was viral hives when I first started the symptoms and I believe dhim because now my sister, mom, sisiter-in-law, and some others from our town are starting to get hives. I believe mine started from a virus and my immune system was low so I developed the dermographism and everybody else just got plain hives. I wish you luck. I know how frustrating it is but I was at least able to manage my symptoms and return to work after the cleanse!

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