Chronic Rashes on Skin

by Pradeep
(Chennai, India)

I decided to post to this website because of the chronic rashes that I have been getting on my skin. Here is my skin rash story.

I started getting skin rashes for the last eight to nine months. The rashes all started what appeared to be in a random fashion one day with mild type rashes appearing on my skin but fortunately the problem subsequently went away without any kind of treatment being used. Later again, after two months in time, another attack came. This time I was not so lucky and it did not go away on its own. Even though the skin rash was not overly troublesome, it still was present on my skin and was not getting better. I had to resort to medical treatment and to see a doctor in order to deal with the rash and get a proper diagnosis of the problem. This sort of scenario became very frequent over this period in time.

After several visits to doctors, they confirmed or diagnosed that what I was experiencing was not any kind of skin disease but rather an allergic reaction to something and they said that I needed to be very alert in order to find out the cause of the reaction and consequently the rash. I started diligently checking many foods that I ate such as nuts and any medications that I would take and evenually one doctor advised me to stop taking certain medications that I used. I completely stopped taking Febuxostat - this is for the treatment of the Gout problem that I have.

This seemed to work and to my happiness I did not have a skin rash attack for next one and a half months (it used to come every alternate week prior to stopping the medication). However, my happiness did not last long, and one day the skin rash came back and this time very heavily. Now I am back to a confused state and very unsure as to why I am being affected by chronic skin rashes.

I suspect that foods such as brinjal (otherwise known as egg plant), ice cream and potentially some other dairy products, and alcoholic beverages are possibilities for the appearance of the rashes but I am not sure at all that these or other elements are the cause. I am still searching for the allergen or perhaps, maybe something else is causing the rash other than an allergy.

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