Christmas Tree Rash 

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What is a Christmas tree rash? This type of rash looks like or is in the pattern of a Christmas tree and this is why it is named this way. It is not an allergic reaction to coniferous trees as the name may suggest. This skin rash is associated with the non-contagious skin condition called pityriasis rosea. Information on this skin condition can be found in this website at the pityriasis rosea link.

Christmas Tree Rash Symptoms

Describing this skin problem in basic terms, it is a dry skin type rash that has a scaly texture to it and is usually reddish pink in color. The rash may or may not be itchy and this essentially depends on how it affects each individual. In rough terms, one quarter of the individuals with this rash do not itch. Half of the individuals that develop pityriasis rosea experience mild to moderate itch symptoms and finally one quarter of the individuals with this skin rash are subjected to severe itching.

Rash Causes and Treatments

 The cause of this type of rash is not definitively known. Many have linked this rash type to a viral or bacteria source but this has not been confirmed with one hundred percent certainty. In terms of treatments for this Christmas tree rash, there are some options that can be pursued. First, antihistamines or anti-itch creams can be used to relieve the symptoms of itchiness and skin redness. Regular moisturization may help soothe the dry skin and the use of topical hydrocortisone creams can help as well for this type of skin irritation. Fortunately, in many cases this skin condition will disappear on its own in about six to eight weeks and if the symptoms can be tolerated then no treatment is required. However, as with other types of skin rashes, it is always a good idea to consult with a physician to properly diagnose your skin rash. Although this rash for the most part is not a dangerous skin or health condition, it can cause complications with women that are pregnant.

Skin Areas Affected by Pityriasis Rosea

The main areas of the body affected by pityriasis rosea are the stomach and back skin areas although the upper arms and upper thighs as well as the neck region may be affected. When it is the skin on the back that has been affected by this type of skin rash, then it usually appears in a distinct pattern that is in the shape of a Christmas tree.

For more information on this rash and other types of skin rashes, visit this pictures of skin rashes link.

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