Unexplainable Itching Cause

by Virginia

I have been suffering from itching on my waist line and lower back for two years now and have recently decided to research to see if it is related to a disease of any kind. I lose a lot of sleep because of it. From the literature I have read so far, it could be related to Hodgkins disease or dermatographism.

I would really like to know if there is anything that can be done for this condition. I also have fibromyalgia and have enough to cope with. I would really like to find a solution if there is one. I have mentioned it to my Naturopath and she said there may be a link to kidney function? I will be visiting my Environmental Specialist this month and will bring up the issue with him.

I would really appreciate any suggestions you could pass on to me.

I think you have highlighted the main issue about dermatographism. The cause is unknown or it is known but caused by so many different things in different people. Is it kidney function problems? Is it an allergic type reaction? Is it excess protein in the blood? Is it related to past antibiotic use? No one knows, so all we can do is treat the symptoms. More causes information is provided here and this page provides treatment options.

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Lutein and Causes for Skin Hives or Welts

by Lou

I started taking Lutein for my eyes the day before yesterday and since then it has happened four or five times. While I am sitting in my chair watching television, I will start itching my side or just below my arm pit or around my belly area. Welts appear right away and they go away after about an hour or so. Is this a reaction to the drugs I am taking or an allergic reaction to Lutein? The only thing different in the last several years is that I started taking Lutein.

It is extremely difficult to diagnose what is going on in your situation. However, if you are on medication or have started new medication and you are developing a skin condition such as hives and welts, then it could be an allergic reaction. I would speak with your doctor as soon as you can in order to establish whether or not your body is adversely reacting to the Lutein or whatever else you may be taking.

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Aug 30, 2014
Skin Rash when taking Lutein
by: Anonymous

My eye doctor suggested taking Lutein for my eyes. I took it for a couple of weeks and I started having a rash on my abdomen but continued taking the Lutein. I eventually stopped taking the Lutein. The skin rash continued to come back. I put some steroid cream on it and the rash looked like it was going away but the next day the rash was back. The rash is itchy and when scratched it hurts. This has been going on for at least three to four months. I plan to go to the dermatologist when I can get an appointment. I have a lot of food allergies and try to be careful of what I eat.

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Vitamin or Mineral Deficiency Causing Dermatographism

by Beth

I just developed these conditions a little over a year ago. It is so uncomfortable at times and embarrassing too. I never know when I have big red welts on my arms or face. I was just wondering if this dermatographism skin condition is possibly related to a deficiency of a mineral or vitamin in my system. I can't find any information about that, but maybe someone else has. I can't go anywhere without Zyrtec and it's the only thing that makes it go away quickly and it does not get me tired. I have no health issues and I take no other medication except the Zyrtec. Thanks for any input.

The causes of skin hives such as dermatographism are difficult to pinpoint. Many have suspected a deficiency in Vitamin D as the culprit. This is because in the summer months when the skin is getting sun exposure and vitamin D is being produced, the dermatographism subsides. This is my experience as well. I have not followed up on taking vitamin D supplements in the winter, but I think I may try that to see what happens.

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Dermographism Skin Hives Caused By Scabies

by Anonymous

Is it probable that the dermographism caused by scabies will go away when the scabies are gone?

One of the likely causes of skin hives such as those with dermatographism is an illness. Scabies may of caused or contributed at least to the development of the dermatographism. No one knows for sure, but it is probable. Will it go away once the scabies are gone? Well, it is difficult to say as each person is different. From my experience, the dermatographism is likely to remain.

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Dermagraphism and Impetigo

by Melissa
(Frederick, MD)

My 17 month old son was just diagnosed with dermatographism. He often gets impetigo as well. Could there be a correlation?

Because the causes of skin hives associated with dermographism are linked to many sources, it is very difficult to make this connection. However, it is not out of the realm of possibility that the impetigo skin infection may have altered the body systems and caused this skin condition to develop. So, it is a possibility, but I have never heard of a definite link between the two skin conditions.

More information on this skin condition can be found at the dermatographism page.

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Chronic Cough and Dermographism

by Anonymous

I have a moderate form of dermographism and I mostly don't notice it even though I take the tags out of all of my clothes and never wear scratchy things ever. People think that my skin is just overly sensitive. One thing that's been bothering me lately, though, is that after a cold, I have a cough that is chronic for weeks, sometimes months. Basically, I've been coughing for four out of the last six months. Can dermographism happen in your throat and be triggered by coughing or a cold?

I guess it is possible that the over-sensitive skin might also affect your throat area and cause tickling and therefore coughing, but I have never heard of that occurring from any of our readers and posters to this site and I have never encountered such a reference in the literature. My guess is that you might have some other health issue that you should get checked out. Perhaps it is just a nasty chest cold that will not subside. See a doctor for that lingering cough is the best advice I can give.

Visit our SKIN DOCTOR PAGE or go back to our HOME PAGE.

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Bug Bites, Insect Bites, or Skin Welts

by Anonymous

While I slept, I felt an itching. When I woke up I noticed two welts on my neck on separate sides. Are these bug bites or skin flare ups?

People that have dermographism often wake up with welts. Many individuals experience more itch during the night than during the day. The itching, often intense but sometimes mild, causes people to scratch the itch while sleeping or in a state of drowsiness. Of course, with dermatographism the scratching will cause skin welts.

Also, the pressure applied to the skin while sleeping may also cause welts to develop.

Without seeing the welts it is difficult to say that they are bug bites or insect bites. Welts caused by dermatographism general subside after about 30 minutes. Bug bites would likely show for much longer than that. More information on bug bites at insect bite treatment page.

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Tonsilitis Infection Possible Dermatographism Cause

by Anonymous

Please help. My 7 year old daughter has just started having this problem, in which when her skin gets scratched it gets itchy and she scratches it and then a raised area in the same shape appears on her skin. A couple of days after this started she came down with tonsilitis, which she gets a least 6 times a year and has never had this before. Could this be the cause of what I think could be dermographism and do you think I need to get her checked out by her doctor? Thank you so much for help.

It is always best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis of dermographism and to ensure the skin condition is not caused by some other health problem. Because the causes of this skin problem are many, I would say that infections such as tonsilitis can very well be the cause. However, it would be extremely difficult to prove or disprove this fact.

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Genetic Link for Dermatographism Skin Condition

by Elizabeth

I am a 17-year-old teenager who most likely has dermographia. I have been to several doctors as a child and none of them could ever tell me what was wrong with me. I never actually took it seriously but after serious research I think I have dermographia. I was wondering if my future offspring would have dermographia.

There is no definitive genetic link for dermatographism, but it appears likely that there is. There is a chance that your children may develop it as well. On this website, there are several stories of it being family related. In my case, so far there does not appear to be anyone else in the family that has it as bad as me.

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Dermatographism and Antibiotics

by Shabi
(Laurel, MD, United States)

My three year old son took amoxicillin for coughing and short after that augmentin for an ear infection and developed dermatographism a few weeks after those medications were taken. Knowing that he had some food allergies before that when he was little. Could any of these drugs trigger dermatographism? It has been a year he still had the condition. Will it go away?

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May 07, 2017

by: Moderator

Please visit our dermatographism treatments page for more information. The condition may go away eventually on its own or may persist for many years unfortunately.

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Hypoallergenic Products and Allergy Patch Testing

by Tina

I started having this condition about six weeks ago out of the clear blue. I am a 51 year old female in good health and regularly exercise. I went to the dermatologist who prescribed antihistamines and steroid Dosepak for six days. I finished the steroids and now he wants me to do a patch test. The only different thing I used was a new laundry detergent. I immediately stopped the detergent and rewashed everything in a fragrance free hypoallergenic detergent.

Is a patch test necessary? I can easily just buy all fragrance free/hypoallergenic products. Since there is no cure - wouldn't it be better just to take the medication and see it through and hope it goes away. I have been off the medications for 6 days and cannot sleep or work due to discomfort and was only on the antihistamines for about 15 days.

Thanks for your help.

I guess the dermatologist is trying to find out if there is something obvious that is irritating the condition. If you can find the irritant, then this will help your treatment significantly. I would follow his advice on how to proceed.

Generally, I don't think you want to be on antihistamines all the time. My dermatologist suggested a three weeks on and three weeks off treatment. However, since my condition has subsided for the most part, I am not on any medication at all right now.

A natural treatment or cure is below, for those concerned about being on antihistamines long-term.

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