Candida Yeast Caused Skin Hives and Welts

by Anonymous

An overabundance of Candida intestinal yeast can be the underlying cause for everything from sleepiness, to gas, to Dermographism.

At first, I thought I was just suffering from stress or an allergic reaction to something. ANY topical treatment was pointless, because the problem was from inside. Benadryl didn't help at all, nor Allegra. I have found some relief in Zyrtec. However, when the random fits of itching and burning became more predictable and more frequent I began trying to figure out what was causing it. Along with the increased "itch fits" I began having stomach aches, athlete's foot, and problems in the "girl parts".

I went to an allergist and did a full blood spectrum test. I'm not allergic to a darn thing. The family doctor was baffled, as well as the skin doctor. Thankfully, I ran across a doctor with many years in enviromental medicine, and he confirmed my Candida theory. Like many Americans, I've had a little too much antibiotics in my time, and I'm overweight from a Candida-loving diet heavy in sugar and starch. I am now on an anti-candida diet as well as anti-candida herbal supplement, along with "good yeast" replacement, and just general better health practices. But, if I slip up and eat too much sugar, too much starch, and don't drink enough water... I'll be scratching and welting up again as I reach for the Zyrtec.

From what I've read these symptoms can be just short of eliminated once the body is stabilized and the lifestyle is changed to a more healthy way of doing things. Eat more fresh veggies and avoid processed starches and processed sugar.

I'm loosing weight, feeling better, and having less "itch fits".

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Jan 31, 2016
Diflucan Treatment for Skin Hives
by: Anonymous

I know it's not the easiest on your liver, but I was looking down a long road of RX antihistamines and Prednisone and thoroughly depressed by the thought of it. I had been sick, took an antibiotic, got a yeast infection, and then put on Diflucan. Those two days were the only two days of relief from my hives I'd had in weeks! I asked the doctor, who thought I was nuts, to RX me another seven days of Diflucan, just to see. NO HIVES. NONE. After the Diflucan ran out, I was better, but still had the occasional, albeit not as bad case of hives. I again asked my doctor for a 30 day supply of Diflucan. He was hesitant, but my hive misery convinced him to give it a try. It completely worked! I did not have hives for well over six months - I was FREE and it was wonderful!

I have just begun to have the hives pop up again, with almost no relief from a Medrol dose pack. I am just starting the Diflucan for 30 days again to bring the hives back under control. I agree that it is now most assuredly a yeast condition and that I need to be much more diligent in my diet. But if a doctor is going to send you down the Prednisone road, try this route first. It sure worked for me!

Jan 22, 2011
I am so glad I read this
by: looking for relief

I have been struggling with dermagraphism and I am at my wits end!!! I went to a dermatologist and he put me on Allegra and said I will most likely have to be on this for the rest of my life. I really don't want to just take a pill, I want to find the root of the problem and I think this could be it. I bought a yeast free cookbook and want to start, but it really looks difficult. If you can offer any suggestions on getting through the diet I would be grateful.

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