Bumpy Skin Rash on Hands

by Melanie

The day after I started to have symptoms of strep throat (sore throat, swollen lymphnods, fever and chills) I went to the doctor and was diagnosed as having strep throat. At the same time I started to experience a sort of burning feeling in my fingers and then my upper palms. Not thinking it was related, and assuming I had just possibly irritated my hands with washing with too warm water, I never thought the two were related. Later in the day, red bumps started to appear and it became a bit itchy and the skin was feeling tight. The skin was still burning and itching and I thought maybe I had come into contact with something and was having an allergic reaction, or possibly stress of an upcoming surgery and stress of work.

The skin rash almost looks and feels like chicken pox, or poison ivy or oak, but I had not come into contact with anything like that. Could it be that the strep was related to the rash? I am unsure. I am currently taking an antibotic and using an anti-itch cream to relieve the rash, which is contained to just my fingers and upper palms of both hands. Hoping this will go away when the strep throat clears up.

More information on skin rashes can be found at the skin rash diagnosis page. Also visit our dermatologist page for information.

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Feb 23, 2012
My Son's Strep Rash
by: Anonymous

My son also had a rash with his recent case of strep throat. It was mainly on his body, but when he got overly warm it showed up on his hands too. The doctor said it was a strep rash. My son had to use a steroid cream and take a medicine orally called Prednisolone. His strep rash went away after three days.

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