Full Body Itchy Rash

by Debbie
(New York)

I would like to contribute my story to this body rashes page. On December 31st, I developed this rash all over my thighs and spreading stead fast to the rest of my body (eyes, lips, hands, wrists, feet, ankles, etc.). It is really, really insanely itchy. I have been to the doctor, hospital, and allergist but no luck with this rash on body! They all gave me steriod pills which worked for a little while but as soon as I stopped - bang - the body rash comes right back!

I get nuduals on my forehead, lumps on the arch of my feet, the pads of my hands swell and itch along with my wrists, my chest, everywhere. Could it be stress? God knows I am under a lot of stress!

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Pubic and Body Skin Rash

by Anonymous

These body rashes are red and tend to appear where skin meets skin. The body rash is under my chest, back, on arms, and also in the pubic region. I have been looking at pictures of stage two syphilis body rashes and the rash on my body looks a lot like that. However I never had a sore on my penis. I have had sores within my mouth that were painful and I always just thought it was a canker sore. Any recommendations?

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Red Rash Spreading on my Body

by Vincent Unger

Recently, I swam in a pool that had shock treatment the day before. My sisters both six years old and I swam in it for a good three hours. We forgot to wash and now we have red bumps body rashes that seem to go on and on all over the body. I don't know if it is contagious. Can someone please tell me what it is and how to treat it and also if it is contagious.

This may be a reaction to the chlorine. Visit this page and click on the swimming pool rash link. If this is the body rash you have then it is not contagious.

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Tiny Red Spots Under the Skin

by Ashley

After basic training I came home and all of a sudden I saw tiny red spots too small to take a picture of on the bottom of my legs where my socks cover the skin up. I thought it was just from the socks and maybe the effect of heat on the skin. The spots never itch, they never turn into bumps, and they are underneath the skin. After a few months they spread to my whole body - my neck, arms, you name it. They go away and then come back. The skin spots don't bother me at all and I don't have any skin disorders in my family and so I have no idea what they are. I don't have allergies and I am more than healthy.

Now about 2 years later I only have a very few skin spots that appear. I tried googling it, but it's hard to find anything without bumps or rash or itchy in the search result. I have no idea what it is or what could have caused it. I don't know if it's serious enough to go to the doctor.

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Itchy Skin Bumps Rash

by Kat

I broke out with a skin rash on my shoudlers, back and chest. I figured it may have been a new lotion that I was using that I received as a Christmas gift. However, when I stopped using the lotion the skin rash has only continued to get worse. There are very small bumps with no redness from my shoulder to my hands, my whole back, chest and stomach, and various spots on my legs.

It does not look like a typical skin rash because the bumps are very small with no redness or odd color. Some of the bumps are bigger than others and they itch beyond belief. I find the skin bumps itch most in the evening. My mom said it could be bed bugs or fleas. I checked my bed for bed bugs and there was no evidence of them. Also, I normally see a flea before it bites because I can feel it on my skin. I have not used any new skin or hair products since my rash first broke out two months ago. As far as I know, it is not contagious because my daughter or fiance are not troubled by it and do not have a skin rash themselves. If you have any guess on what it could be then please reply. I need relief. Thank you.

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Stress Rash on Child's Body

by Holly

My 10 year old has participated in Bible Quizzing where she memorized 289 verses and is quizzed on them against other teams. By the end of the 1st day her stomach/chest had broken out in what looked like hives. Her cheeks were looking rashy as well. The next day it was worse and had spread to her arms and she was starting to itch a little. By that afternoon it looked bad, her cheeks and upper arms being the worst but it had even spread to the bottom of her legs. I went to the herb shop and bought a Benadryl like homeopathic remedy to give her which helped a lot after several doses.

This has never happened before and I had no idea there were stress related rashes. This of course saddens me knowing that she was under so much pressure that it caused this rash.

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Barely Raised and Non-itchy Red Bumps on Torso Area

by Kayla
(Winder, GA, USA)

Barely Raised and Non-itchy Red Bumps on Torso Area

Barely Raised and Non-itchy Red Bumps on Torso Area

Not sure where they might have came from, nor do I really think the little dots are a part of what I have been feeling for a few days, but a girl can definitely be paranoid. I have been sick for about five days now. It started with extreme stomach pain, and the next day, I woke up with a migraine, nausea, stomach pains, and body aches. Over the course of the five days, it has slimmed itself out to just a minor headache, occasional hot flashes, and mostly just stomach pain now. But as I was taking my shower yesterday, I realized there were these little red dots all over my torso, between my chest, over my upper abdomen, lower, and some even on the side of my back. Not sure what it is, but worrying just keeps getting me way more anxious. I have thought I had the stomach flu, and I am pretty sure I do. I just do not know what these bumps are.

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Mysterious Breast Rash

by Anonymous

Rash across top of chest and over breasts.

Rash across top of chest and over breasts.

I have a rash that is going down my sides across the top of my chest and over my breasts. It came overnight. It does not itch but is red and really bumpy.

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