Blotchy White Skin Patches on Arms

by Vicky
(Dover, Kent)

I am writing on behalf of my partner because I think it is something that bothers me more than it does him. I feel it could be some sort of condition because it does not look right. It is particulaly on his arms and legs, never on his torso or back, chest, neck, hands or feet. The skin condition is like white blotchy patches. The rest of his arms can appear quite red or average colour and then he has these little dots of lighter coloured skin, almost white but much paler, making it more noticeable.

He is leaning on his arm now, whilst asleep. His forearm has these little dots on them, they are not all the same size, or huddled together, and they are quite evenly spread out. I am worried.
He has asthma and is allergic to dust mites, etc., and has hayfever. He lived out in the heat in Cyprus for nearly two years up until last year. He is a smoker but says he has not always had this skin problem. It doesn't itch or hurt him. I am wondering whether it could have something to do with circulation.

If you have an idea of what this is or maybe a link where I could look at some photos to maybe see if I could see something similar to help me make a diagnosis I would appreciate it.

Because he works crazy hours, he isn't really in the position to go to the doctor. Please help. I hope the information I have given you helps. Also the condition is within the skin and not raised. You cannot feel the affected skin areas. With regards to when it occurs, there isn't a pattern. His diet is not great, he is not over weight, does not drink alcohol, he drinks alot of caffeine, and eats alot of sugary things.

The diagnose my skin rash page of the Healthy Skin Care website provides plenty of useful information on rashes - Read More. Visiting a skin doctor will also help.

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Mar 31, 2010
Video of Skin Rashes
by: Anonymous

Google video's of skin rashes will come up with all kinds of rashes, see if you can match the one he has.

Hope this helps,


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